About the Author


Olivia Parr-Rud, an internationally recognized expert in predictive analytics, business intelligence, and innovative leadership, founded the SAS Data Mining Users Group, having been a SAS user since 1991 and a SAS instructor and conference presenter for many years. She hosts the popular VoiceAmerica Business radio show Quantum Business Insights (http://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2240/quantum-business-insights) and is a thought leader in the integration of analytic tools and leadership practices to optimize performance and organizational agility. Her predictive analytics research founded her first book, Data Mining Cookbook: Modeling for Marketing, Risk and Customer Relationship Management (Wiley 2000), which unveiled links between the global economy and organizational dynamics, a topic featured in her second book, Business Intelligence Success Factors: Tools for Aligning Your Business in a Global Economy (Wiley and SAS Institute Inc. 2009). Her current research will develop a model that tracks the alignment of business intelligence with human intelligence. Parr-Rud holds a B.A. in mathematics and an M.S. in statistics. In addition to public speaking, she offers training and consulting in both predictive analytics and business leadership, with clients that include numerous Fortune 500 companies. For more, visit http://oliviagroup.com.

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