Semi-Structured Interview Schedule

Emotional Intelligence and Projects

1.Tell me about your recollections of the training program and what you think you gained most from your attendance.

(2)Can you give me any specific examples, since attending the training, where you have been in a situation and suddenly experienced or remembered something that reminded you of anything you covered on the EI training program?

(3)Can you tell me about a particular emotional event that took place recently that was covered in the training program?

(4)Can you tell me about a specific conflict situation that you have been involved in at work recently, how you approached it, and what the outcome was?

(5)Can you give me any examples over the past 6 months where the quality of the relationship between you and other colleagues on a project made a difference in the manner in which a problem was solved or addressed?

(6)Can you give me one or two major examples of how your feelings influenced a particular decision you made or a course of action you took during a project?

(7)Are there any specific examples you can provide where you consciously tried to imagine yourself in a colleague's shoes at work and how he or she might be thinking or feeling in response to a particular situation? What, if anything, happened and how do you think it affected what you did next?

(8)Is there anything you can think of where you attempted to change the way you thought, acted, or behaved as a result of the training program; and which you think you have improved over the past 6 months through practice?

(9)In what ways if any, do you think you have considered how your feelings affect the way you act in projects or teams?

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