Hello, Rails!

We can’t help it—we just have to write a Hello, World! program to try a new system. Let’s start by creating a simple application that sends our cheery greeting to a browser. After we get that working, we’ll embellish it with the current time and links.

As you’ll explore further in Chapter 3, The Architecture of Rails Applications, Rails is a model-view-controller (MVC) framework. Rails accepts incoming requests from a browser, decodes the request to find a controller, and calls an action method in that controller. The controller then invokes a particular view to display the results to the user. The good news is that Rails takes care of most of the internal plumbing that links all these actions. To write our Hello, World! application, we need code for a controller and a view, and we need a route to connect the two. We don’t need code for a model, because we’re not dealing with any data. Let’s start with the controller.

In the same way that we used the rails command to create a new Rails application, we can also use a generator script to create a new controller for our project. This command is rails generate. So, to create a controller called say, we make sure we’re in the demo directory and run the command, passing in the name of the controller we want to create and the names of the actions we intend for this controller to support:

 demo>​​ ​​bin/rails​​ ​​generate​​ ​​controller​​ ​​Say​​ ​​hello​​ ​​goodbye
 Running via Spring preloader in process 2503
  create app/controllers/say_controller.rb
  route get 'say/hello'
 get 'say/goodbye'
  invoke erb
  create app/views/say
  create app/views/say/hello.html.erb
  create app/views/say/goodbye.html.erb
  invoke test_unit
  create test/controllers/say_controller_test.rb
  invoke helper
  create app/helpers/say_helper.rb
  invoke test_unit
  invoke assets
  invoke scss
  create app/assets/stylesheets/say.scss

The rails generate command logs the files and directories it examines, noting when it adds new Ruby scripts or directories to our application. For now, we’re interested in one of these scripts and (in a minute) the html.erb files.

The first source file we’ll be looking at is the controller. You can find it in the app/controllers/say_controller.rb file. Let’s take a look at it:

 class​ SayController < ApplicationController
»def​ ​hello
 def​ ​goodbye

Pretty minimal, eh? SayController is a class that inherits from ApplicationController, so it automatically gets all the default controller behavior. What does this code have to do? For now, it does nothing—we simply have empty action methods named hello and goodbye. To understand why these methods are named this way, you need to look at the way Rails handles requests.

Rails and Request URLs

Like any other web application, a Rails application appears to its users to be associated with a URL. When you point your browser at that URL, you’re talking to the application code, which generates a response to you.

Let’s try it now. Navigate to the URL http://localhost:3000/say/hello in a browser. You’ll see something that looks like the following screenshot.


Our First Action

At this point, we can see not only that we’ve connected the URL to our controller but also that Rails is pointing the way to our next step—namely, to tell Rails what to display. That’s where views come in. Remember when we ran the script to create the new controller? That command added several files and a new directory to our application. That directory contains the template files for the controller’s views. In our case, we created a controller named say, so the views will be in the app/views/say directory.

By default, Rails looks for templates in a file with the same name as the action it’s handling. In our case, that means we need to replace a file called hello.html.erb in the app/views/say directory. (Why html.erb? We’ll explain in a minute.) For now, let’s put some basic HTML in there:

 <h1>Hello from Rails!</h1>

Save the hello.html.erb file, and refresh your browser window. You should see it display our friendly greeting, as in the following screenshot.


In total, we’ve looked at two files in our Rails application tree. We looked at the controller, and we modified a template to display a page in the browser. These files live in standard locations in the Rails hierarchy: controllers go into app/controllers, and views go into subdirectories of app/views. You can see this structure in the following diagram.


Making It Dynamic

So far, our Rails application is pretty boring—it just displays a static page. To make it more dynamic, let’s have it show the current time each time it displays the page.

To do this, we need to change the template file in the view—it now needs to include the time as a string. That raises two questions. First, how do we add dynamic content to a template? Second, where do we get the time from?

Dynamic Content

You can create dynamic templates in Rails in many ways. The most common way, which we’ll use here, is to embed Ruby code in the template. That’s why the template file is named hello.html.erb; the html.erb suffix tells Rails to expand the content in the file using a system called ERB.

ERB is a filter, installed as part of the Rails installation, that takes an erb file and outputs a transformed version. The output file is often HTML in Rails, but it can be anything. Normal content is passed through without being changed. However, content between <%= and %> is interpreted as Ruby code and executed. The result of that execution is converted into a string, and that value is substituted in the file in place of the <%=%> sequence. For example, change hello.html.erb to display the current time:

 <h1>Hello from Rails!</h1>
» It is now ​<%=​ Time.​now​ ​%>

When we refresh our browser window, we see the time displayed using Ruby’s standard format, as shown in the following screenshot.


Notice that the time displayed updates each time the browser window is refreshed. It looks as if we’re really generating dynamic content.

Adding the Time

Our original problem was to display the time to users of our application. We now know how to make our application display dynamic data. The second issue we have to address is working out where to get the time from.

We’ve shown that the approach of embedding a call to Ruby’s Time.now method in our hello.html.erb template works. Each time they access this page, users will see the current time substituted into the body of the response. And for our trivial application, that might be good enough. In general, though, we probably want to do something slightly different. We’ll move the determination of the time to be displayed into the controller and leave the view with the job of displaying it. We’ll change our action method in the controller to set the time value into an instance variable called @time:

 class​ SayController < ApplicationController
 def​ ​hello
» @time = Time.​now
 def​ ​goodbye

In the html.erb template, we’ll use this instance variable to substitute the time into the output:

 <h1>Hello from Rails!</h1>
» It is now ​<%=​ @time ​%>

When we refresh our browser window, we again see the current time, showing that the communication between the controller and the view was successful.

Why did we go to the extra trouble of setting the time to be displayed in the controller and then using it in the view? Good question. In this application, it doesn’t make much difference, but by putting the logic in the controller instead, we buy ourselves some benefits. For example, we may want to extend our application in the future to support users in many countries. In that case, we’d want to localize the display of the time, choosing a time appropriate to the user’s time zone. That would require a fair amount of application-level code, and it would probably not be appropriate to embed it at the view level. By setting the time to display in the controller, we make our application more flexible: we can change the time zone in the controller without having to update any view that uses that time object. The time is data, and it should be supplied to the view by the controller. We’ll see a lot more of this when we introduce models into the equation.

The Story So Far

Let’s briefly review how our current application works.

  1. The user navigates to our application. In our case, we do that using a local URL such as http://localhost:3000/say/hello.

  2. Rails then matches the route pattern, which it previously split into two parts and analyzed. The say part is taken to be the name of a controller, so Rails creates a new instance of the Ruby SayController class (which it finds in app/controllers/say_controller.rb).

  3. The next part of the pattern, hello, identifies an action. Rails invokes a method of that name in the controller. This action method creates a new Time object holding the current time and tucks it away in the @time instance variable.

  4. Rails looks for a template to display the result. It searches the app/views directory for a subdirectory with the same name as the controller (say) and in that subdirectory for a file named after the action (hello.html.erb).

  5. Rails processes this file through the ERB templating system, executing any embedded Ruby and substituting in values set up by the controller.

  6. The result is returned to the browser, and Rails finishes processing this request.

This isn’t the whole story. Rails gives you lots of opportunities to override this basic workflow (and we’ll be taking advantage of them shortly). As it stands, our story illustrates convention over configuration, one of the fundamental parts of the philosophy of Rails. Rails applications are typically written using little or no external configuration. That’s because Rails provides convenient defaults, and because you apply certain conventions to how a URL is constructed, which file a controller definition is placed in, or which class name and method names are used. Things knit themselves together in a natural way.

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