Determining whether the inventory screen is on or off

We will now set the inventoryScreen variable in its proper place. The best place to put this is when the inventory menu pops up. So, go to Pause_Inventory by navigating to Content | Blueprints | UI. In Pause_Inventory, locate the Event Construct in the Event Graph (if an Event Construct does not exist yet, create one), and from here, get every actor from the Field Player class by creating Get All Actors of Class, which is located under Utilities in the Actions menu:

Determining whether the inventory screen is on or off

Under Actor Class in the Get All Actors Of Class function, change the actor to Field Player:

Determining whether the inventory screen is on or off

From the Out Actors pin, in the Get All Actors Of Class function, you will need to attach a GET function. This will take an array of all actors in your Field Player class and allow access to individual members of the class:

Determining whether the inventory screen is on or off

Lastly, open your all possible actions and uncheck Context Sensitive. Go to Set Inventory Screen by navigating to Class | Field Player:

Determining whether the inventory screen is on or off

Once done, connect the Target pin of your Set Inventory Screen to the right-hand side pin of GET. Also, make sure that the Inventory Screen is checked, which means that we set the Inventory Screen to true here. At this point, you can also link Event Construct to fire off Get All Actors Of Class, which will activate the Set Inventory Screen:

Determining whether the inventory screen is on or off

We will also need to make sure that the Boolean is set to false when the player leaves the inventory screen, so clone another Set Inventory Screen Boolean, and set it to false. Link the Target pin back to the GET from Get All Actors Of Class, and activate it when the inventory window closes:

Determining whether the inventory screen is on or off

We will later come back to Pause_Inventory to add the button population logic, similar to the shop in the previous chapter. However, now that we have our Booleans set, we will be able to tell whether the player is viewing the inventory or is navigating the shop (if the Boolean is false).

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