Data Table starting values

In Content Browser, open the CharacterClasses Data Table by navigating to Content | Data. Here, we can change the starting values of our party members. For the soldier, we will have the starting XP as 0 because the party member should start with 0 experience. The MXP value will be 200, which means that the Soldier will have to gain 200 experience points before making it to the next level. The Lvl value will be at 1 since we want each character to start at level 1:

Data Table starting values

We should now set how much XP our enemies give. In the same folder, open the Enemies Data Table, where we have at least one enemy. For each enemy, we need to set a value for XP that will determine how much experience the enemy drops when they are killed. For this particular enemy, we set the XP value to 50:

Data Table starting values
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