Labels and badges

Labels and badges offer help tools that keep track of the progressive factors, such as numerical indicators, counts, percentages, and so on, by keeping counts or by showing the status of a website being loaded and so on.


Labels are associated with different headings or titles which help in keeping records of counts or give tips among other things. Labels can be declared as follows:

<h3>This is an example Heading<span class="label label-default">This is an example label</span></h3>


Badges are the same as labels with the only difference being the shape. Badges have more curved shapes than labels. They are mainly used to notify the user of the new changes, unseen e-mails, and so on. Let's take a look at the following code snippet:

<a href="#">Check EMailsEMails <span class="badge">4545</span></a>
..................Content has been hidden....................

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