Chapter 11. Extending JavaScript and ECMAScript 6

ECMA 262 is a standard that defines the core features of the JavaScript language. The language that is defined by this standard is called ECMAScript. JavaScript is an implementation of ECMAScript. It runs in web browsers at the client end, while Node.js runs at the server end. ECMAScript 6 was released in June 2015. ES6 is a major update from ES5, which was released in 2009.

A complete language specifications draft of ES6 language specifications can be obtained from

Compatibility and goals

The ES6 compatibility chart shows which features of ES6 are supported in the current browsers. It also links all listed features to their specification guides.


It should be noted that some of the features might not be under compliance with their exact specifications. While working in Chrome, don't forget to enable the Experimental JavaScript flags.

Compatibility and goals

Reference: Use ECMAScript 6 Today

ECMA6 script has the following major goals:

  • Default exports
  • Static structure of modules
  • Support for asynchronous and synchronous loading
  • Used for dependencies between modules
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