Multiple catch clauses

In JavaScript, try/catch statements are use to handle exceptions present in the try code blocks.

The try clause

In the try block, the statements to be evaluated are executed.


If you want to deliberately throw an exception, we would use the throw statement. This will abort the execution of the remaining statements, and the control will move to the catch block.

The catch clause

After checking and encountering an error in the statements in the try block, the exception block is called. If the exception encountered is the same as the exception handled in the catch block, then the control immediately shifts to the catch block, and the statements within the catch block are executed.

The statements presented after the erroneous statement will not be executed, unless there is a return statement in the finally block.


A good practice is to use a conditional catch clause first if we anticipate that any exception will occur. An unconditional catch clause is placed last to handle all the remaining exceptions:

try {
  demotrycatchfunction(); // may throw any type of exceptions
catch (e) {
  if (e instanceofReferenceError) {
    // statements to handle ReferenceErrorexceptions
  } else if (e instanceofSyntaxError
) {
  // statements to handle SyntaxError exceptions
  else if (e instanceofEvalError) {
    // statements to handle EvalError exceptions
  else {
    // statements to handle any unspecified exceptions
    logMyError(e); // pass the exception object to the error handler

The finally clause

This block will execute statements present within at end, whether an exception has occurred or not. The statements in a finally block execute irrespective of whether an error occurred. The finally block generally contains code that must be executed regardless of anything. Hence, we generally release resources and close connection inside a finally block. The syntax for writing a simple try-catch-finally block is as follows:

try {
  //try code - This is the Code block to try
catch(error) {
  //catch code – This is the Code block that handle errors
finally {
  //finally code - This is the Code block to be executed regardless of try catch results

We can also write this with a nested catch blocks like this:

try {
  //do something
catch (Exception e) {
  try {
    //do something with little likeliness of output
  catch (Exception ex) {
    try {
      //do the minimum acceptable
    catch (Exception e1) {
      //More try catches?

Here is an example showing the working of multiple catch clauses:

functionCheckEligibility(Age) {
  var result;
  try { //try block
    if (Age < 16 { //condition to be tested
    throw new Error("Children below the age of 16 are not allowed. Parent Supervision needed!"); //incase of false result, an error will be raised
  result = age;
  catch (e) { //catch block
    console.log(e.toString()); //error is converted to string and logged into the console
    throw e; //Uncaught Error
  finally { // finally block - It will run in the end regardless of the try, catch results
    console.log("Age doesn't matter!"); 

  return result;

Let's pass 14 as the argument to the function, as shown here:


The output will be as follows:

Children below the age of 16 are not allowed. Parent Supervision needed!


In try-catch statements, we must have at least one finally or try-catch block. Try doesn't necessarily need a catch clause. If a try statement does not contain at least one catch block, it must contain a finally block. The possible exception handling clauses with try-catch-finally are the try-catch, try-finally, or try-catch-finally clauses.

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