The cost of goroutines

As you work with goroutines, you might get to a point where you're spawning dozens or even hundreds of them and wonder if this is going to be expensive. This is particularly true if your previous experience with concurrent and/or parallel programming was primarily thread-based. It's commonly accepted that maintaining threads and their respective stacks can begin to bog down a program with performance issues. There are a few reasons for this, which are as follows:

  • Memory is required just for the creation of a thread
  • Context switching at the OS level is more complex and expensive than in-process context switching
  • Very often, a thread is spawned for a very small process that could be handled otherwise

It's for these reasons that a lot of modern concurrent languages implement something akin to goroutines (C# uses the async and await mechanism, Python has greenlets/green threads, and so on) that simulate threads using small-scale context switching.

However, it's worth knowing that while goroutines are (or can be) cheap and cheaper than OS threads, they are not free. At a large (perhaps enormous) measure, even cheap and light goroutines can impact performance. This is particularly important to note as we begin to look at distributed systems, which often scale larger and at faster rates.

The difference between running a function directly and running it in a goroutine is negligible of course. However, keep in mind that Go's documentation states:

It is practical to create hundreds of thousands of goroutines in the same address space.

Given that stack creation uses a few kilobytes per goroutine, in a modern environment, it's easy to see how that could be perceived as a nonfactor. However, when you start talking about thousands (or millions) of goroutines running, it can and likely will impact the performance of any given subprocess or function. You can test this by wrapping functions in an arbitrary number of goroutines and benchmarking the average execution time and—more importantly—memory usage. At approximately 5KB per goroutine, you may find that memory can become a factor, particularly on low-RAM machines or instances. If you have an application that runs heavy on a high-powered machine, imagine it reaching criticality in one or more lower-powered machines. Consider the following example:

for i:= 0; i < 1000000000; i++ {
  go someFunction()

Even if the overhead for the goroutine is cheap, what happens at 100 million or—as we have here—a billion goroutines running?

As always, doing this in an environment that utilizes more than a single core can actually increase the overhead of this application due to the costs of OS threading and subsequent context switching.

These issues are almost always the ones that are invisible unless and until an application begins to scale. Running on your machine is one thing, running at scale across a distributed system with what amounts to low-powered application servers is quite another.

The relationship between performance and data consistency is important, particularly if you start utilizing a lot of goroutines with mutual exclusions, locks, or channel communication.

This becomes a larger issue when dealing with external, more permanent memory sources.

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