Closures and goroutines

You may have noticed the anonymous goroutine in Lorem Ipsum:

  go func() {
    go capitalize(index, length, letters, &finalIpsum)

While it isn't always ideal, there are plenty of places where inline functions work best in creating a goroutine.

The easiest way to describe this is to say that a function isn't big or important enough to deserve a named function, but the truth is, it's more about readability. If you have dealt with lambdas in other languages, this probably doesn't need much explanation, but try to reserve these for quick inline functions.

In the earlier examples, the closure works largely as a wrapper to invoke a select statement or to create anonymous goroutines that will feed the select statement.

Since functions are first-class citizens in Go, not only can you utilize inline or anonymous functions directly in your code, but you can also pass them to and from other functions.

Here's an example that passes a function's result as a return value, keeping the state resolute outside of that returned function. In this, we'll return a function as a variable and iterate initial values on the returned function. The initial argument will accept a string that will be trimmed by word length with each successive call of the returned function.


func shortenString(message string) func() string {
  return func() string {
    messageSlice := strings.Split(message," ")
    wordLength := len(messageSlice)
    if wordLength < 1 {
      return "Nothingn Left!"
    }else {
      messageSlice = messageSlice[:(wordLength-1)]
      message = strings.Join(messageSlice, " ")
      return message

func main() {
  myString := shortenString("Welcome to concurrency in Go! ...")


Once initialized and returned, we set the message variable, and each successive run of the returned method iterates on that value. This functionality allows us to eschew running a function multiple times on returned values or loop unnecessarily when we can very cleanly handle this with a closure as shown.

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