An example of a <cmath> library function – sqrt()

Now, let's talk about a more practical example and relate it to the pizza example.

There is a function in the <cmath> library called the sqrt() function. Let me quickly illustrate its use, as shown in the following code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
  double rootOf5 = sqrt( 5 ); // function call to the sqrt  function
  cout << rootOf5  << endl;

So, sqrt() can find the mathematical square root of any number given to it.

Do you know how to find the square root of a tough number such as 5? It's not simple. A clever soul sat down and wrote a function that can find the square roots of all types of numbers. Do you have to understand the math behind how the square root of 5 is found to use the sqrt(5) function call? Heck, no! So, just as the waiter didn't have to understand how to cook a pizza in order to get a pizza as the result, the caller of a C++ library function does not have to fully understand how that library function works internally to use it effectively.

The following are the advantages of using functions:

  1. Functions abstract away a complex task into a simple, callable routine. This makes the code required to cook a pizza, for instance, just a single-line command for the caller (the caller is typically your program).
  2. Functions avoid the repetition of code where it is not necessary. Say we have 20 or so lines of code that can find the square root of a double value. We wrap these lines of code into a callable function; instead of repeatedly copying and pasting these 20 lines of code, we simply call the sqrt function (with the number to root) function whenever we need a root.

The following illustration shows the process of finding a square root:

An example of a <cmath> library function – sqrt()
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