Preparing the other required tools

Making an iOS game with Unreal Engine doesn't mean that we will only be using Unreal Engine throughout the process. During the course of this book, you will need other tools and applications running too. Here are the other tools you will need and why.

XCode 5.1 or higher

As you saw in the previous steps, we used XCode to build our engine because it is the main IDE for Mac OS X. It is an essential tool and we will need it again anytime we want to rebuild the engine or write a C++ game using the generated project from Unreal Engine. As Epic has outlined, for Mac users, the minimum version to be used with Unreal Engine 4.x should be 5.1.

3D and 2D applications

As this book will take care of the process of making games using UE4, it is ultimately down to you whether you choose to use the assets provided with the book or your own that will fit your requirements. If you are going to build your own assets, I would recommend that you use Blender3D for the 3D assets or Inkscape for the 2D assets. I used both of these applications while I was building the examples presented in this book. Both are free/open source applications with high-end quality and tools.

The application loader

When we finish our game, we will need to submit it to Apple for review. The best and the only way to upload *.ipa files to Apple is using the Application Loader app. It is free and easily available. Later in Chapter 9, Publishing, you will learn how to use it during the submission process.

iTunes and iTools

If you are running on a Mac, then iTunes will be installed by default. However, if you are running on Windows, you will need to install it, as it is the best way to push an *.ipa installation file to your device to test it. If you cannot get hold of this, you can get iTools, which is very easy and straightforward to install and it runs on Mac and Windows. I used to use both applications all the time to push *.ipa builds to an authorized device outside XCode.E- iOS 6.0.

To be able to run Unreal Engine 4 games, you must have at least an iPhone 4 or iPad 2 running iOS 6.0 or later.

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