Performance optimization

iOS devices and mobiles in general can run games with a high frame rate, but there are some disadvantages that you need to take care of to make sure that the game will be running at its best frame rate. Here are some points that you need to check while working with Unreal games for iOS:

  • Try not to use real-time lights and try to use baked lightmaps
  • Make sure that you build all of the lighting before building to the device
  • Pooling the actors is better than destroying and spawning them
  • Don't use post process effects on the camera
  • Make sure to have less than 700 draw calls in the camera view
  • Use as few materials as possible to get fewer draw calls
  • Use as few textures as possible; using atlases is a great way to optimize the textures' amount and size
  • Square texture (power of two) is the best texture for iOS devices
  • The tries count should not be more than 500,000 in the camera view
  • Use PrecomputedVisibilityVolumes if your game has lots of 3D meshes
  • Try not to use HDR or LDR if possible
  • Try no to use lots of masked or translucent materials, as iOS devices are not friendly with opaque surfaces
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