
In this chapter, you have understood the high level architecture of the Lightning framework, both from a the perspective of a standalone page to integrating Lightning Components within Lightning Experience and Salesforce1 Mobile.

Lightning Experience is now more extensible than the original Salesforce Classic user interface. There are more options to consider before deciding your only option is to start building entirely new from the ground up page level experiences. Thinking about these integration capabilities as you consider your user experience requirements along with how aligning component thinking between developers and UX designers is a key to embracing this new of building applications on Salesforce.

The need for Separation of Concerns and good coding practices is now as important at the client tier as it is at the backend. It is also more important to monitor your architecture for encapsulation of and containment of your business logic. This should still remain firmly at the backend where different client types can access it.

Finally, it is pretty clear that Lightning is embracing the ongoing industry adoption of JavaScript, so if you need to brush up on your JavaScript skills now is the time to start!

In the next chapter we will be exploring platform features, tools and best practices for providing integration opportunities to your applications customers and partners.

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