
This chapter has further explored the declarative aspects of developing an application on the platform that applies to how an application is stored and how relational data integrity is enforced through the use of the Lookup field deletion constraints and applying unique fields. The Master-Detail relationships allow you to model containment concepts in your data model. We also considered the data storage implications of extending your schema across columns instead of rows and the benefits on the cost of storage for your end users.

Upload the latest version of the FormulaForce package and install it into your test org. The summary page during the installation of new and upgraded components should look something like the following screenshot. Note that the permission sets are upgraded during the install.


Once you have installed the package in your testing org, visit the Custom Metadata Types page under Setup and click Manage Records next to the object. You will see that the records are shown as managed and cannot be deleted. Click on one of the records to see that the field values themselves cannot be edited either. This is the effect of the Field Manageability checkbox when defining the fields.


The Namespace Prefix value shown will differ from yours.

Try changing or adding Track Lap Time records in your packaging org, for example update a track time on an existing record. Upload the package again then upgrade your test org. You will see the records are automatically updated. Conversely, any records you created in your test org will be retained between upgrades.

In this chapter, we have now covered some major aspects of the platform with respect to packaging, platform alignment, and how your application data is stored, as well as the key aspects of your application's architecture. Custom Metadata has been used in this chapter to illustrate a use case for configuration data. This book will explain further use cases for this flexible platform feature throughout upcoming chapters.

In the next few chapters of this book, we will start to look at Enterprise coding patterns and effectively engineering your application code to work in harmony with the platform features, and grow with your needs and the platform.

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