Chapter 2. Advanced Charts

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Creating a histogram
  • Creating a small multiple chart
  • Creating a shared axis chart
  • Creating a combo chart (dual axis chart)
  • Creating a bullet chart
  • Creating a bar in bar chart
  • Creating a donut chart
  • Creating a unit chart
  • Creating a box and whisker plot
  • Creating a sparkline with indicators
  • Creating a KPI text table
  • Creating a waterfall chart
  • Creating a population pyramid


In this chapter, we will explore additional techniques for creating more advanced charts in Tableau. Some of the charts introduced in this chapter are quite effective for specific use cases, for example the waterfall chart for showing cumulative changes to a measure and the population pyramid for showing population over time. However, this should not discourage you from exploring and testing your data set with different charts! Sometimes different types of chart can help uncover insights in ways we don't expect, or they may surprisingly convey information much more clearly than the chart we had originally intended to use.

Some of the charts covered in this chapter may well just be starting points to even more charts you may want to explore and experiment on your own. Be not afraid—explore, explore, explore!


Make sure to check out Appendix A, Calculated Fields Primer, as this chapter starts using more calculated fields.

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