Chapter 1. Basic Charts

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Creating a bar chart
  • Creating a stacked bar chart
  • Creating a line chart
  • Creating a scatter plot
  • Creating a heat map
  • Creating a text table (crosstab)
  • Creating a highlight table
  • Creating an area chart
  • Creating a pie chart
  • Creating a bubble chart
  • Creating a word cloud
  • Creating a tree map


You are about to embark on a wonderful journey with Tableau! We will classify charts that are easily created in Tableau without much customization as basic. Charts that might be less commonly used, or ones that require more steps and configurations, will be tackled in the next chapter as advanced charts.

In this chapter, we will start with the basic charts that you can create with Tableau. Each recipe will demonstrate the steps required to create different graphs. You will also find nuggets of formatting and annotation options in select recipes that will enhance the charts.

Although the recipes are presented in a specific sequence of steps, more often than not, you can re-create the same visualization even if the steps are in a different order. You can start experimenting with these once you are more comfortable with Tableau.

Ready to start your Tableau adventure? If so, proceed with gusto!

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