Completing the view thread component

Now that we have the upload video component done, we will complete minor UI changes to the view thread page, which will present the data we have gathered in a better way. Open client/app/view-thread/view thread.component.html and update the card, which displays the message with the segmentLabelAnnotations data, as shown here:

<label class="badge badge-pill badge-info" *ngFor="let s of message.segmentLabelAnnotations">

Add this after the message.labels content that we created to display image labels. To complete the component, we will update the sanitizeContent helper in client/app/view-thread/view-thread.component.ts as shown here:

sanitizeContent(content: string) {
if (content.indexOf('<video') > 0) return content;
return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(content);

Save all the files and move on.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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