Cloud Natural Language API

The Google Cloud Speech API is one of the machine learning services exposed under the Cloud AI vertical. This service is used to detect the structure and meaning of a text using machine learning. 

This service does the following things:

  • Helps us extract insights from the text; the text can be an email, a tweet, or a support request
  • Supports content analysis for various languages
  • Classifies the text and can provide a relation graph between texts
  • Uses Google's deep learning models to predict as well as continuously improve the accuracy of the predictions

Some of the key features are as follows:

  • Syntax analysis
  • Entity recognition
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Content classification
  • Multi-language support

This service can be used in combination with another service, such as the Cloud Speech API, where an audio file can be uploaded to the Speech API and the response text can be fed into the Natural Language API to perform syntax, entity, or sentiment analysis. Alternatively, using the Cloud Vision OCR (Optical Content Recognition) API, we can convert an image to text and then perform classification or entity analysis to gain more insights to the image.

The above use cases only scrape the surface of the power of the Cloud AI provided by Google. These services are only limited by our imagination.

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