Roles and profiles

In a previous chapter, we discussed roles and profiles. It is a common practice for many small organizations to place their roles and profiles in the control repository, as a simple place to get started writing puppet code for your organization. Using the previous environment.conf, our roles and profiles would be found at /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/<environment>/site, as a roles directory and a profiles directory. These would be contained in the Git repository, in a site folder at the base of the repository.

For many larger organizations, accepting commits to a standalone role and standalone profile module can be easier to maintain than bundling them into the control repository. This provides each environment with the ability to call tagged versions of the role and profile modules specifically. Both methodologies are valid, and produce the same results on the agents utilizing the code.

At the end of this chapter, you will find a guide on a multitenancy control repository, which is easier to manage if the role and profile modules are separate from the control repository.

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