Managing our plugins

If you want to Puppetize each plugin, you can use the jenkins::plugin resource provided by this Jenkins module. You can find each plugin installed on your Jenkins master in the /var/lib/jenkins/plugins file, or in the Installed plugins tab of your Jenkins instance.

The resource syntax is as follows:

jenkins::plugin {'<plugin': version => 'version' } 

We're going to grab two key plugins for our CI/CD workflow in this section: Git and Pipeline. We can reach the plugin page by clicking on Manage Jenkins on the left-hand side of the screen, and then Manage Plugins near the bottom of the menu. There is an ever-growing amount of plugins for Jenkins, and we need to select the appropriate ones:

It can be difficult to locate a plugin by name only, so try using some of the descriptions to locate these within the list.

Once we select these plugins, and click Download and Install after Restart, we'll be taken to a page listing all plugins that have an installation pending, in progress, or successful. At the bottom of this page is a checkmark that allows us to restart the server when the full download is complete. Make sure that you check that box:

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