Staying on the lookout for code smells

Be on the lookout for code smells, especially as your Puppet code base ages! The following link is a research project that describes a bunch of Puppet code smells, which is an XP (extreme programming) term meaning code issues—usually meaning either a poor design or implementation:

Let's quickly run through using the Puppeteer Python-based tool used in the preceding research project:

  1. Ensure you have the latest Java SDK installed.
  2. Move to your workspace directory ~/workspace, and clone the following Git repository:
$ git clone
$ cd Puppeteer

  1. Download the PMD tool ( ) and update the path in the shell script. PMD is an extensible static code analyzer with copy-paste-detector (CPD) built-in.
  2. Update the folder path where all the Puppet repositories are placed.
  3. Execute the shell script to carry out clone detection using the PMD-CPD tool.
  4. Update the REPO_ROOT constant in SmellDetector/, which represents the folder path where all the Puppet repositories are placed.
  5. Execute
  6. Analyze Puppet repository with puppet-lint (optional).
  7. Execute after setting the repository root.
  8. Set the repository root in Puppet-lint_aggregator/
  9. Execute, it will generate a consolidated summary of the analysis for all the analyzed projects.
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