
Go through the following steps to create your type:

  1. Create and distribute the type
  2. Add the namevar special attribute
  3. Add additional type properties
  4. Add the optional ensure property
  5. Add type parameters
  6. Set the property and parameter defaults
  7. Check the input value with a validate block
  8. Check the input value against a newvalues array
  9. Check datatype compatibility with munge
  10. Use AutoRequire for implicit relationships
  11. Use Arrays to list the values of an attribute
  12. Use the desc method to add inline documentation

Check out the official documentation page on Puppet types at https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/5.3/custom_types.html. Gary Larizza's blog also offers an alternative set of useful examples of types at http://garylarizza.com/blog/2013/11/25/fun-with-providers/.

Let's now go through each of these steps to create your new type in more detail in the following sections.

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