
Here's the IDE that I would recommend based on my own personal style, using my MacBook as the host OS. Atom ( is a fully featured IDE described as, A hackable text editor for the 21st Century and contains all the functionality you'd expect: cross-platform, package (that is, plugin) manager, auto-completion, file browser, multiple panes, find and replace, and so on.

GitHub has developed Atom, and they have built it with the goal of combining the convenience of a fully fledged IDE with the deep configurability of a classic but complex editor such as Vim.

There are literally thousands of open source packages that add new features and functionality to Atom, and here are the ones I recommend specifically for Puppet development:

  • language-puppet (adds syntax highlighting and snippets to Puppet files)
  • linter-puppet-lint (provides linter support to your Puppet manifests)
  • aligner-puppet (aligns the fat arrows according to the Puppet Style Guide)
  • erb-snippets (snippets and hotkeys for writing Puppet ERB templates)
  • linter-js-yaml (parses your YAML files with JS-YAML)
  • tree-view-git-status (displays the Git status of files in the tree view)
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