Performing the test

Now that we have all of the pieces in place, let's go ahead and deploy our code to our repository, and let Jenkins run the job. If you haven't already run our new Jenkins Profile, you'll need to make sure it's deployed to your master and that your Jenkins node has already converged on it. Once we push our test to the CI/CD system, it will read our code and begin the test. Of particular note, this test will take significantly longer than the tests we've written previously, as the container will need to be downloaded, built, spun up, converged, and tested, compared to our PDK commands that simply checked syntax or compiled a quick catalog.

We've built a lot of files during this chapter, so let's take a quick look at just the files we've managed, ignoring anything automatically built by software:

rary at Ryans-MacBook-Pro-3 in ~/workspace/packt
$ tree cicd-walkthrough-profile
├── Jenkinsfile # Test to be Performed
├── Puppetfile # Dependencies for Kitchen Tests
├── # Command to run Test Kitchen for Jenkins
├── manifests
│ └── jenkins.pp # Jenkins Profile
├── spec
│ ├── classes
│ │ └── jenkins_spec.rb # Our Inspec test for the Kitchen Phase
└── test
├── integration
│ └── default
│ └── jenkins_spec.rb # Our RSpec Test, checking the Catalog
└── jenkins.pp # Our example manifest that applies the Profile for Kitchen

13 directories, 18 files

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