Node declaration

Our first piece will be the node declaration. This will go in our site.pp, and each application will go under a specific site call. In the following sample, notice the following:

  • All apps are declared in the top-level site{} declaration.
  • myapp {'myapp': } is just one possible app that can go in site.pp. We could have another beneath it called myapp.{'myapp2': } is inside of the site, and has a second standalone instance of this application.
  • Node['<nodename>'] and Myapp::<app> are capitalized.
  • I can still use the site.pp for other things, as indicated by the classification of the Puppet Master, as follows:
site {
myapp { 'myapp':
nodes => {
Node['mysql'] => [ Myapp::Db['myapp']],
Node['appserver'] => [ Myapp::Web['myapp']],
Node['haproxy'] => [ Myapp::Lb['myapp']],

node 'puppetmaster' {
include role::puppetmaster

# To keep the sample simple, firewalls have been disabled on all machines.
service {'firewalld': ensure => stopped }
service {'iptables': ensure => stopped }

This particular configuration will ensure that the mysql node gets the database, appserver will get WordPress, and HAProxy will get the load balancer configuration.

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