Chapter 9, Building an Asynchronous Email Formatter

  1. The @EnableJpaRepositories annotation is to the set the base package where repositories are available. @EnableTransactionManagement is used to enable Spring JPA Transaction manager.
  2. Apache Kafka is a production grade, high-performing, scalable, fault-tolerant messaging platform. In the application, however, we will be using Apache Kafka topic as a message queue. Also, Spring Kafka library will be used to enable easy communication with Apache Kafka. Spring Kafka provides templates and listeners to both produce to and consumes from Apache Kafka topics easily.
  3. Apache Freemarker is used to generate the HTML body that will be embedded into the body of the email that will be sent when reset password requests are received.
  4. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP is used to send emails from one server to another.
  5. Spring Security is a widely-used project that enables authentication and authorization using many different mechanisms such as form-based logic, header-based login (Basic), and more.
  6. A PasswordEncoder is used to encode passwords using popular algorithms such as BCrypt, SCrypt, SHA-256, etc for protection.
  7. fakeSMTP is a dummy SMTP server that can be used for testing purposes. This SMTP will not send an email to the actual recipient.
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