
Azure SQL Database is a scalable, high performing SQL Server based Managed Cloud Database Service offering from Microsoft.

Though Azure SQL Database is the cloud version of SQL Server, it differs in terms of management, maintenance and administration. It's important to know how to administer SQL Database so that you can get the most out of the features that it provides. The book addresses different management aspects of an Azure SQL Database such as Migration, Backup and Restore, Pricing, Security, Scalability, Monitoring and Performance Optimization, High Availability, and Disaster Recovery.

After completing this book, you will be able to:

  • Explore the different configuration and pricing options available for Azure SQL Database
  • Provision a new Azure SQL Database or Migrate an existing on-premise SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database
  • Backup and restore Azure SQL Database
  • Secure and scale an Azure SQL Database
  • Monitor and tune an Azure SQL Database
  • Implement High Availability and Disaster Recovery with Azure SQL Database
  • Automate common management tasks with PowerShell
  • Develop a scalable cloud solution with Azure SQL Database

What This Book Covers

Chapter 1, Microsoft Azure SQL Database Primer, covers the fundamental architecture of Microsoft Azure SQL Database. We will provision an Azure SQL Database and learn to connect and query it. We will also discuss the differences between the on-premises SQL Server and Azure SQL Database.

Chapter 2, Migrating a SQL Server Database to an Azure SQL Database, discusses the features of the various Azure SQL Database service tiers that are available and the need for migration. We will talk about selecting the most suitable service tier, finding and fixing compatibility issues originating as a result of data migration, and selecting the most appropriate migration tool or method based on the scenario.

Chapter 3, Backing Up the Azure SQL Database, explains how to perform automatic and manual backups for Azure SQL Databases and discusses the benefits and strategies for each.

Chapter 4, Restoring an Azure SQL Database, covers the various restore options available on the Azure SQL Database. We will understand the features of each restore type, when and where they can be used, and how they are performed.

Chapter 5, Securing an Azure SQL Database, discusses various security mechanisms employable on the Azure SQL Database. We will talk about access control measures such as Firewall and Authentication and also cover proactive security measures, including Dynamic Data Masking, Auditing, and Threat Detection.

Chapter 6, Scaling Out Azure SQL Database, explains how to scale Azure SQL Databases, either vertically or horizontally, and how to shard a database. The lesson further talks about how to run cross-database queries.

Chapter 7, Elastic Pools, introduces the Elastic Pool and its benefits. We will understand how to effectively size an Elastic Pool, and will talk about the uses of Elastic Jobs, their architecture, workflow, and how to create them.

Chapter 8, High Availability and Disaster Recovery, covers the built-in High Availability feature in Azure SQL Database. This lesson also teaches you how to implement a Disaster Recovery solution using Standard and Active Geo-replication. We will also learn how to automate auto-failover groups using PowerShell.

Chapter 9, Monitoring and Tuning Azure SQL Database, describes different techniques for monitoring and tuning an Azure SQL database. We will learn how to monitor an Azure SQL Database using the Azure portal, Dynamic Management Views, and Extended Events. We will also talk about Query performance insight and about tuning an Azure SQL Database using Automatic tuning. Finally, we will learn to implement in-memory features to improve workload performance.

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