WebElement Functionality

In the previous chapter, we explored the methods that are frequently used when using the WebDriver class. Additionally, we created a WebDriver instance and controlled the Google Chrome browser momentarily by navigating, switching windows, and resizing it.

Under the hood, a car engine performs heavy processing tasks to keep the automobile running. The driver, however, is unaware of all of these processes, and they are only presented with a dashboard that provides all the necessary information to operate the vehicle.

In a similar way, a web application runs in servers where most of the complex processing takes place: interactions with databases and external services, validation of business logic, and encryption and security measures. The user does not need to know the details of how the application is being executed in the background. Through a web browser, users are only presented with the necessary pages, windows, and forms for them to interact in a (hopefully) transparent and easy manner.

In this chapter, you will learn how to use browser developer tools to review the code behind a web page and how to find and interact with elements to later write and perform tests on them.

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Use Chrome's Developer Tools
  • Explain WebElement functionality
  • Work with different techniques to locate elements on a page and learn how to interact with them

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