What This Book Covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started, deals with what automation is and why it is important. It then covers the how to use the Selenium WebDriver, and then finally focuses on how to configure the development environment for Selenium.

Chapter 2, WebDriver Functionality, takes you deeper into the details of Selenium, covering each of the main WebDriver class methods and objects for the most commonly used browsers. Lastly, the chapter focuses on how to open and manipulate a browser window and navigate to a web page.

Chapter 3, WebElement Functionality, talks about how to use browser developer tools to review the code behind a web page and how to find and interact with elements to later write and perform tests on them.

Chapter 4, Advanced Element Function, covers how to navigate, search, and identify different elements in a web application by using effective element locators. 

Chapter 5, Waiting For Elements, trains the students on how to write a stable automation script by waiting for an element to be present. It discusses the differences between implicit and explicit waits, and finally shows how to effectively synchronize a script in a custom condition.  

Chapter 6, Page Object Model, covers the principles behind Page Object Model, and how to model and implement an automation script.

Chapter 7, Writing Tests, talks about test frameworks and how to choose them; as well as how to create test scripts and how to validate results.

Chapter 8, Analysis and Troubleshooting, discusses the root cause of a test failure by analyzing a test report, and tracking down errors It also covers how to separate real issues from flaky tests.

Chapter 9, Using a Selenium Grid, focuses on how to configure and connect to the Selenium Local Grid, as well as the Selenium Network Grid. Afterwards, covering how to connect to third party services.

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