Activity: Creating a Small Selenium Grid with a Remote Node


In this activity, you'll create a small Selenium Grid, and you will verify that the Grid Hub and the Selenium Node have been properly registered. On one system, the Hub of the Selenium Grid will launched, while on the other, a Node of the Selenium Grid will be launched.


To create a small Selenium Grid, using two different machines.

Steps for Completion

On laptop/machine A, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the selenium-server-standalone file is located.
  3. Write and run the command to launch the Hub of the Selenium Grid.
  4. Get IP of laptop/machine A (this will be needed for the next steps).

Similarly, on laptop/machine B:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Navigate to the directory where the selenium-server-standalone file is located.
  3. Write and run the command to launch a Node of the Selenium Grid. We'll be using the Chrome browser. Use the actual IP of the laptop/machine A.
  4. Navigate to http://studentA_machine_IP:4444/grid/console to see the Grid Hub with the registered Selenium Node.

We have created a small Selenium Grid; now let's run our AgeCalculatorTest against it:

  1. Switch the remote Grid Hub URL from localhost to the IP of laptop/machine A.Compile and run the test.
  2. Compile and run the test.

To refer to the detailed steps, go to the Solutions section at the end of this book on Page no. 187.
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