What is a Test Framework?

The following diagram shows us an overview of a test framework's features:

A test framework is a set of components (such as libraries, concepts, good practices, tools, and resources) that allow testers to write, run, and analyze the results of automated tests. When talking about a test framework, we are referring to a test automation framework. In this regard, a test framework inherits the benefits of automation that we learned in Chapter 1, Getting Started and applies them to the creation of automated tests:

  • Some repetitive tasks that are a part of most tests (such as synchronization, error handling, reporting, and configuration) can be built once and then reused in future tests. Testing teams can focus solely on writing new tests and maintaining the current ones.
  • Test frameworks allow tests to be designed around components and libraries. This improves reusability and maintainability, and avoids duplication of code and logic.
  • A test framework provides big organizations with a set of good practices, standards, tools, and resources that can be used in a wide variety of projects across the company. This also allows the framework to expand and perpetuate itself as the company grows, and its needs and requirements shift over time.
  • We are now able to understand what a test framework is and its advantages in testing projects.
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