Step 4 – exporting bank approval

Click on the next tab in your browser. You are now Ella, an employee of Bob's bank, Eastwood, who has been informed that Alice wishes to do business with Bob:

This sample has taken a little creative license with the processnormally, the letter would be presented to Bob by Alice. Bob would then present it Ella. However, we can see that because everyone can view the letter in advance, process innovations are possible. We'll elaborate on this point later.

We can see that Ella authorizes the next stage in the processand we can see where the letter is in the process flow. When Ella selects the letter, she can see the following details:

Notice that the currency has been changed. Alice had to make her payment in US dollars because that's what Bob wanted, but Ella and Matias have agreed on an exchange rate for Alice and Bob, so that each can use their own currency. Alice will be charged in euros, and Bob will be paid in dollars.

At the top of the screen, you'll see the following information that relates to the process. We can see where we are in the process; increased transparency is made possible due to the singular nature of a blockchain, even though different organizations each host and approve their stage of the process via their own systems:

Let's move the process forward again. Ella can approve the letter by clicking on the accept button:

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