Prerequisites for adding a new organization to the network

The tools you need to upgrade your network are similar to the ones that were used in Chapter 3, Setting the Stage with a Business Scenario:

  1. Clone the Fabric source code repository:
    1. Run make docker to build Docker images for the peers and orderers.
    2. Run make configtxlator to generate tools necessary to run the network creation commands described in this section (we will use configtxlator when we turn our attention to the middleware code)
  1. In addition, we assume that the reader followed the procedures described in Chapter 3Setting the Stage with a Business Scenario, and has already created the channel configuration and crypto material files for the earlier 4-organization network.

If you recall, in Chapter 3Setting the Stage with a Business Scenario, we created channel artifacts and crypto material for the four organizations, consisting of the genesis block, the initial channel configuration, the anchor peer configuration for each organization, and certificates and signing keys for all network operations involving the peers, clients, and MSPs. The configurations were defined in configtx.yaml and crypto-config.yaml, respectively in the network folder, and processed using the configtxgen and cryptogen tools. Clearly, these configurations must be modified to add a new organization, but changing configurations can be messy. The good news is that we can increment our network by creating additional configuration files and keeping the original ones intact. That way, it'll be easy for an administrator to track the evolution of the organization structure and resources. Our incremental configuration files are defined in the network/add_org/ folder.

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