Creating the network

When entities decide to create a network, they must decide on the following:

  • Who will run the ordering service
  • How many different instances of ordering service will be in the network

The role of the ordering service is critical because, depending on the configuration, it has visibility into transaction hashes or the transaction data across all channels that flow through it. Thus, the entities deciding to form a network may choose to trust one of the entities to act as the ordering service; they may also decide to trust a neutral third party to run the ordering service.

The ordering service can view all transactions (hashes or key/value pairs) across all channels that it serves. Thus, if it is necessary to hide the transaction data from the ordering service, only hashes of the read/write set in a transaction should be sent to the ordering service while exchanging the data directly between peers.

Once an ordering service has been established for a network, it must be configured with the digital identities of peers of founding members. This is typically done by configuring the digital certificates of peers in the ordering service genesis blocks. The peers must also be configured with the digital identity of the ordering service.

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