
Mappings act as hash tables that consist of key types and corresponding value type pairs. Here is an example, as follows:

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
contract StudentScore {
struct Student {
uint score;
string name;
mapping (address => Student) studtents;
address[] public studentAccts;
function setStudent(address _address, uint _score, string _name) public {
Student storage studtent = studtents[_address];
studtent.score = _score; = _name;
studentAccts.push(_address) -1;
function getStudents() view public returns(address[]) {
return studentAccts;
function getStudent(address _address) view public returns (uint, string) {
return (studtents[_address].score, studtents[_address].name);
function countStudents() view public returns (uint) {
return studentAccts.length;
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