

functional reactive programming (FRP) 285

@@iterator method 322

@@name convention

reference link 322

ZMQ 340


adaptee 295

Adapter pattern 294

LevelUP, using through filesystem API 295, 296, 298

real-world examples 298

addCps() function 65

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 548

reference link 548

Amazon Kinesis

reference link 573

AMQP 564

chat application, integrating with 569, 570

competing consumers 588

durable subscribers 566

history service, implementing 567, 568

pipelines 588

point-to-point communications 588

return address pattern, implementing 605, 606

AMQP, components

binding 565

exchange 565

queue 564

AMQP model

reference link 565


URL 501

ANSI escape sequences

reference link 372

Apache Kafka

reference link 573

API orchestration

about 532, 533, 534, 536

URL 532

API proxy 531, 532

API server

without, asynchronous request batching 439, 440, 441

without, asynchronous request caching 439, 440, 441

application scaling 476


using, reference link 197

async/await 141

limited parallel execution pattern 149, 150, 151, 152

parallel execution 147, 149

sequential execution 145, 146, 147

sequential iteration 145, 146, 147

used, for error handling 143

using, with Array.forEach for serial execution 147

async functions 141, 142

async generator function

defining 334

async generator objects 334

async generators 334, 335


with deferred execution 72, 73

asynchronous CPS

versus synchronous CPS 67

asynchronous invocations

cancelable async functions, with generators 449, 451, 452, 453

wrapping 447, 448, 449

asynchronously initialized components

code execution, delaying 430

dealing with 428

issue 428, 429

local initialization check 429

Mongoose 435

pre-initialization queues 431, 432, 433, 435

asynchronous messaging 546

asynchronous module definition (AMD) 19

asynchronous operations

cancelable functions, creating 446, 447

canceling 445

asynchronous programming 63

issues 90

asynchronous request batching 435, 436, 437

in total sales web server 442, 443

with promises 441

asynchronous request caching 435

implementation 445

in total sales web server 443, 444

with promises 441

async imports

URL 45, 46, 47

async iterables 331, 332

async iterators 178, 331, 332, 333, 334, 336

and Node.js streams 335, 336

async library 119, 120


URL 483

await expression 141, 142


reference link 265



reference link 363

backpressure 176, 181

batch operations

URL 293

behavioral design patterns

Command pattern 347

Iterator pattern 319

Middleware pattern 337

State pattern 308

Strategy pattern 302

Template pattern 315

binary buffer 558

bound function 349


using 195


code, sharing with 358, 359


reference link 362


URL 19


reference link 362

buffered API

using, for Gzipping 162


versus streaming 160, 161

Builder pattern 241, 242, 244, 248

URL object builder, implementing 244, 246, 247

build-time code branching 374, 375, 376

built-in Proxy object 277, 278

capabilities and limitations 278, 279



best practices 94

callback discipline 95

applying 95, 96, 97, 98

callback hell 93, 94

callback pattern 64

continuation-passing style (CPS) 64

callbacks 63

combining, with events 86, 87

chain-of-responsibility pattern 338

reference link 338


reference link 377

Change Observer pattern

creating, with Proxy pattern 282, 283, 284, 285

chat application

history service, designing for 566, 567

implementing, with Redis Streams 573, 575, 576, 577

integrating, with AMQP 569, 570

chat server

peer-to-peer architecture, designing for 558

child process

communicating with 464, 465

child processes 460

circular dependencies 29, 30, 32

circular dependency resolution, ECMAScript modules (ESM)

evaluation phase 54

instantiation phase 53, 54

parsing phase 52, 53

cloning 479

closures 64

URL 64

cloud-based proxies 496

cluster module

about 480

behavior, notes of 481, 482

edge cases 482

resiliency, and availability with 486, 487, 488

scaling with 484, 485, 486

used, for building HTTP server 482, 484

zero-downtime restart 488, 489, 490


sharing, with browser 358, 359

code minification 360

combined streams

implementing 217, 218

Command Message 544

Command pattern 347

client 348

command 348

complex command 349, 350, 351, 352, 353

invoker 348

target 348

Task pattern 349

using 348, 349


URL 19

CommonJS modules

about 22

circular dependencies 29, 30, 32

defining 24

homemade module loader 22, 23, 24

module cache 28

module.exports, versus exports 25

require function is synchronous 26

resolving algorithm 26, 28

versus ESM 60

CommonJS modules, concepts

exports and module.exports variables 22

require function 22

competitive race 108

complex applications

decomposing 523

component 379


limiting 112

limiting, globally 113

concurrent tasks

race conditions, fixing 108, 109, 110

conditional rendering 388

constructor injection 265


URL 504

used, for implementing dynamic load balancer 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509

consumer groups 593

container image 515


about 513

creating, with Docker 514, 515, 516, 517

running, with Docker 514, 515, 516, 517

used, for scaling applications 513

content delivery network (CDN) 370

context 302

continuation-passing style (CPS) 64

asynchronous CPS 65, 66, 67

non-CPS callbacks 67

synchronous CPS 65

control flow patterns 94


URL 280

Correlation Identifier 598


URL 491

CPU-bound tasks

executing 453

executing, in production 472

external processes, using 460

interleaving approach, interleaving 459

interleaving, with setImmediate 457

subset sum algorithm, interleaving 457, 458

subset sum problem, solving 453, 454, 455, 456, 457

cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)

reference link 406

cross-platform context

JavaScript modules 359, 360

cross-platform development

build-time code branching 374, 375, 376

design patterns 378

fundamentals 371

module swapping 377, 378

runtime code branching 372

csv-parse module

URL 190



reference link 337

data ownership 527

Decorator pattern 285, 286

implementation techniques 286

used, for decorating LevelUP database 290

versus Proxy pattern 294

Decorator pattern implementation techniques 286

composition, using 286, 288

object augmentation (decoration) 288, 289

Proxy object, using 289, 290

default exports 42, 43

default imports 42, 43


URL 275

demultiplexing 223

denial-of-service (DoS) 461

denial-of-service (DoS) attack 111

dependency graph 48, 363

dependency hoisting 256

dependency injection container 265

Dependency Injection (DI) 261, 262, 263, 264

design patterns, cross-platform development

adapter 378

dependency injection 379

proxy 378

service locator 379

strategy 378

template 378

developer experience (DX) 435

directed graph

URL 48

direct style 65

distributed hashsum cracker, building with ZeroMQ 580, 581

application, running 587

producer, implementing 582, 583, 584

result collector, implementing 586

worker, implementing 585, 586


URL 514

used, for creating container 514, 515, 516, 517

used, for running container 514, 515, 516, 517

Dockerfile 515

Document Message 545

Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) 3

duck typing 128

reference link 239


URL 215


URL 215

Duplex streams

about 185

durable subscriber 562

durable subscribers

with AMQP, and RabbitMQ 566

dynamic horizontal scaling

about 501

dynamic load balancer, implementing with Consul 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509

dynamic load balancer, implementing with http-proxy 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509

service registry, using 501, 502, 503

dynamic load balancer

implementing, with Consul 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509

implementing, with http-proxy 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509

dynamic scaling 501


early return principle 96

ECMAScript modules (ESM)

about 38, 39

async imports 45, 46, 47

circular dependency resolution 50, 51

default exports and imports 42, 43

loading 48

loading phases 48, 49

missing references 60, 61

mixed exports 43, 44

modifying 56, 57, 58, 59

module identifiers 45

named exports and imports 39, 41, 42

read-only live bindings 49, 50

running, in strict mode 60

using, in Node.js 39

versus CommonJS modules 60


URL 529

encapsulation 18, 236

entry point 48

ErrorBoundary component

reference link 388

error handling, async/await

return, versus return await 144, 145

try...catch 143, 144


reference link 384


versus callbacks 85, 86

event loop 9

Event Message 545

event notification interface 7


Middleware pattern 337

reference link 337, 347

external process

subset sum task, delegating to 461


Factory pattern 234

code profiler, building 238, 239, 240

encapsulation mechanism 236

object creation and implementation, decoupling 235

fail fast approach 77

fastify 293

URL 293


reference link 391


reference link 406

first in first out (FIFO) 445

flow control 203

flowing mode 173

function injection 265


reference link 362


garbage collection, JavaScript

URL 83

generator delegation 331

generator function

defining 327

generator iterator

controlling 328, 329, 330

generator object 327

generators 178, 326

using, instead of iterators 330, 331

get trap 279

global scope

modifying 37, 38

glob package

URL 87

God object 536


with buffered API 162

with streams 163



about 496

URL 496

hashsum cracker implementation, with AMQP 588

about 589

application, running 592

producer, implementing 589, 590

result collector, implementing 591

worker, implementing 590, 591

hashsum cracker implementation, with Redis Streams 594

producer, implementing 594

worker, implementing 595, 596, 597, 598

has trap 279

Hello React 381, 382

high coupling 526

history service

designing, for chat application 566, 567

implementing, with AMQP 567, 568

homemade module loader 22, 23, 24

horizontal scaling 480

horizontal/vertical partitioning 479


reference link 384

HTTP/2 Server Push

reference link 360


used, for implementing dynamic load balancer 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509

HTTP server

building 482, 484


reference link 380


Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) 21, 368

inconsistently asynchronous function 68

inconsistentRead() function

fixing 72, 73

infinite recursive promise resolution chains

issues 152, 153, 154, 155

infrastructure as code 501

injector 261

intercepting filter pattern 338

reference link 338

interoperability 61, 62


reference link 265

Inversion of Control 265

I/O completion port (IOCP) 11

I/O starvation 73

iterable protocol 322, 324

iterables 322

as native JavaScript interface 324, 325, 326

Iterator pattern 319

async generators 334

async iterators 331

generator function 327, 328

generators 327

iterable protocol 322, 324

iterator protocol 319, 320, 321

iterator protocol 319, 320, 321, 322

iterator result 319

iterators 178

as native JavaScript interface 324, 325, 326

reference link 321


JavaScript, in Node.js

about 13

accessing, operating system services 14

module system 14

native code, running 15, 16

running 13, 14

JavaScript modules

in cross-platform context 359, 360


URL 59

json-socket module

URL 293


reference link 383

JugglingDB 299

URL 299


Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) 4

KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) 90


reference link 241


reference link 347


URL 519


about 517, 518, 519

application, deploying and scaling on 519, 520

rollouts 523

URL 518

Kubernetes deployment

creating 520, 521

scaling 521, 522


lazy initialization 280

lazy streams

about 197, 198

reference link 198

least recently used (LRU) 445

LevelDB 290


URL 299


URL 290

level package

URL 291

LevelUP 290

ecosystem, URL 290

URL 290

using, through filesystem API 295, 296, 298

LevelUP database

decorating, with Decorator pattern 290

LevelUP plugin

implementing 291, 292, 293

LevelUP plugins

level-inverted-index, URL 293

levelplus , URL 293


about 11

URL 12


sequential crawling 101, 102

Linux container

= 513

load balancer, implementing with reverse proxy

options 496

load balancing

about 479

with Nginx 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501

load distribution 477

loading phases, ECMAScript modules (ESM)

construction phase 48

evaluation phase 49

instantiation phase 49


URL 45

log 546, 571

logging Writable stream

creating, in Proxy pattern 281, 282

long-term support (LTS) 14

LoopBack 285

URL 285



URL 491

memory leaks

observer pattern 82

message 544

Command Message 544

Document Message 545

Event Message 545

message broker 547

integrating with 536, 537, 538

Redis, using as 554, 555, 556

message queue 546

message queue (MQ) 562

message queues

versus streams 573

Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) 548

reference link 548

messaging system

fundamentals 542


reference link 362

microservice architecture

about 526

advantages 528

disadvantages 528

example 526, 527, 528

integration patterns 530

microservice architecture, advantages and disadvantages

across platforms and languages, reusability 529

application, scaling 529

challenges 530

service, expendable 529

microservice architecture, factors

high cohesion 526

integration complexity 526

loose coupling 526

microservice architecture, integration patterns

API orchestration 532, 533, 534, 536

API proxy 531, 532

integrating, with message broker 536, 537, 538

microtasks 73

middleware framework

creating, for ØMQ 340

middleware framework, for ØMQ

creating 340

middleware functions, creating to process messages 342, 343

Middleware Manager 340, 341, 342

Middleware pattern 337

implementing 339

in Express 337

Middleware Manager 339

using 338


reference link 347


URL 519

mixed exports 43, 44

mkdirp 90

MobX 285

URL 285

mocku module

URL 59

module bundler 360

dependency resolution 363, 364, 365, 366

packing 367, 368

working 363

module cache 28

module definition patterns

about 33

class, exporting 35

function, exporting 34

instance, exporting 36

named exports 33

module identifiers 45

module objects

reference link 59

module systems

about 20

in JavaScript 19, 20

in Node.js 19, 20

modifying 37, 38

need for 18

MongoDB 435


URL 491

monkey patching 37, 275

monolithic application 478

monolithic architecture 524, 525

monolithic kernels 524

multi-pass rendering 413

multiplexing 223

multi-process approach

considerations 467

mux/demux application

running 228


named exports 39, 41, 42

named imports 39, 41, 42

namespace import 41

nanoSQL 299

URL 299

Next.js framework

reference link 416


load balancing with 496, 497, 498, 499, 500


about 496

URL 496


URL 38


callback conventions 73

core 2

ECMAScript modules (ESM), using 39

event demultiplexing 7, 8, 9

I/O, blocking 5, 6

I/O, disadvantages 5

I/O engine, libuv of 11

I/O, non-blocking 6, 7

modules, advantages 3

modules, using 2, 3

philosophy 2

philosophy, reference link 2

reactor pattern 9, 10, 11

recipe for 12

simplicity and pragmatism 4

surface area 3

working 5

Node.js applications

scaling 477

scaling, with containers 513

Node.js-based proxies 496

Node.js callback conventions 73, 74, 75, 76, 77

errors, propagating 74, 75

uncaught exceptions 75, 76, 77

Node.js release cycles

reference link 14

non-flowing mode 171, 172


reference link 370


Object.defineProperty() method

URL 280

object streams

demultiplexing 229

multiplexing 229

observer pattern 77

asynchronous event 83, 84, 85

errors, propagating 80

EventEmitter 78

EventEmitter, and memory leaks 82, 83

EventEmitter, creating 79, 80

EventEmitter, methods 78

EventEmitter, using 79, 80

observable object, creating 80, 81, 82

synchronous event 83, 84, 85


middleware framework, creating 340

reference link 340

ØMQ middleware framework

client-side, creating 345, 346

reference link 344

server-side, creating 344, 345

using 344

one way pattern

versus request/reply patterns 542, 543

Open Container Initiative (OCI)

about 513

URL 513

operational transformation (OT) 348

reference link 349

optimal asynchronous request caching

about 437, 438

phases 438


URL 529



URL 501

packet switching 224

parallel execution 104, 105

limited parallel execution 110, 111

pattern 108

parallel pipeline 579


URL 212


reference link 362

Passport 308

reference link 308

supported authentication providers 308

PassThrough streams

about 193

late piping 194, 195, 196

observability 193, 194

peer-to-peer architecture

designing, for chat server 558

peer-to-peer communication 548

peer-to-peer load balancing

about 510, 511

HTTP client, implementing that can balance requests across multiple servers 511, 512, 513

Peer-to-Peer Publish/Subscribe

with ZeroMQ 557


processing 338


used, for error handling 201, 202


used, for connecting streams 198, 199

polyfill 280


URL 491


URL 290

private class fields

reference link 237

private variables

reference link 237

process identifier (PID) 483

process pool module

implementing 461, 462, 463

promise 125

creating 130

limited parallel execution 137

parallel execution flow 136, 137

sequential execution 133, 134, 135, 136

sequential iteration 133, 134, 135, 136

used, for implementing TaskQueue class 138, 139

promise 124, 125, 126, 127

promise API 128, 129

Promises/A 127

Promises/A+ 128

about 124

URL 128

promisification 131, 132

property injection 265

proxy 269

Proxy pattern 269, 270

implementing, techniques 271

logging Writable stream, creating 281, 282

used, for creating Change Observer pattern 282, 283, 285

uses, example 270

using, in projects 285

versus Decorator pattern 294

Proxy pattern implementation techniques 271, 272

built-in Proxy object 277, 278

comparing 280, 281

object augmentation 275, 276

object composition 272, 273, 274, 275

Publish/Subscribe pattern 549

real-time chat application, building 550


URL 216

pyramid of doom 93


queues 113, 114



durable subscribers 566

reference link 548

race conditions

fixing, with concurrent tasks 108, 109, 110


URL 83

React 379, 380

reference link 391

stateful components 385, 387, 388, 389, 390


alternatives 383, 384, 385

React Hardware

reference link 380

reactive programming (RP) 285

React Native

reference link 380

reactor pattern

about 9, 11

using 10

React PIXI

reference link 380

React Router

reference link 391


reference link 380

Readable streams

about 171

approaches 171

async iterators 174

flowing mode 173

from iterables 178, 179

implementing 174, 175, 176, 177

non-flowing mode 171, 172

simplified construction 177

real-time chat application

building 550

client side, implementing 551, 552

running 553

scaling 553

server side, implementing 550, 551

records 571


reference link 554

URL 491

using, as message broker 554, 555, 556

Redis consumer groups 593

Redis Streams

chat application, implementing 573, 575, 576, 577

tasks, distributing 592

reliable message delivery

with queues 562, 563

reliable messaging

with streams 571

remote procedure call (RPC) 348, 544

request/reply abstraction, implementing with correlation identifiers 599, 600

reply, abstracting 602

request, abstracting 600, 601

request/reply cycle

trying 603, 604

request/reply patterns 598

versus one way pattern 542, 543

require function is synchronous 26


URL 19

resiliency 486

resolving algorithm

about 26, 28

URL 27

resolving algorithm, branches

core modules 27

file modules 27

package modules 27

return address 605

return address pattern, AMQP

implementing 605

replier, implementing 609, 610, 611

reply abstraction, implementing 608, 609

request abstraction, implementing 606, 607

requestor, implementing 609, 610, 611

Revealing Constructor pattern 249, 250, 253

immutable buffer, building 250, 251, 252

revealing module pattern 20, 21, 22

reverse proxy

scaling with 494, 495, 496


reference link 362

runtime code branching 372

challenges 373, 374



three dimensions 477, 478

scalability, three dimensions

X-axis 478

Y-axis 478, 479

Z-axis 479

scale cube 475, 477


with cluster module 484, 485, 486

with reverse proxy 494, 495, 496

semicoroutines 326

sequential crawling

of links 101, 102

sequential execution flow 98

sequential iteration 100

pattern 103

service-level agreement (SLA) 488

service locator 265

service locator pattern

reference link 368

service registry

using 501, 502, 503

set of tasks

executing, in sequence 99

Simple/Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol (STOMP) 548

reference link 548

single-page applications (SPAs) 380

single-responsibility principle (SRP) 35

Singleton dependencies 258, 259, 260, 261

Singleton pattern 253, 254, 255, 256, 257


URL 494

SQLite 258


reference link 258

stateful communications

dealing with 490, 491

state across multiple instances, sharing 491, 492

sticky load balancing 492, 493, 494

State pattern 308, 309

used, for implementing failsafe socket 310, 311, 312, 313, 314

state transition 310

sticky load balancing

about 492, 493, 494

URL 494

Store front-end 536

strategies 302

Strategy pattern 302, 303, 304

approaches 307

multi-format configuration objects example 304, 305, 306, 307

Passport 308

stream 571


versus buffering 160, 161

streaming platform

characteristics 571, 572

streams 546, 547

anatomy 170, 171

asynchronous control flow patterns with 203

combining 214, 215, 216

composability 167

connecting, with pipes 198, 199

data, handling in sequence 203, 205

demultiplexing 223

error handling, with pipeline() 201, 202

forking 219, 220

for reliable messaging 571

importance, discovering 160

merging 221

multiple checksum generator, implementing 220

multiplexing 223

mux/demux application, running 228

ordered parallel execution 212, 213

pipes and error handling 200

piping patterns 214

remote logger, building 224

spatial efficiency 161, 162

text files, merging 221, 222

time efficiency 163, 164, 165, 166, 167

unordered limited parallel execution 210, 211, 212

used, for Gzipping 163

used, for implementing unordered parallel tasks 206

versus message queues 573

working with 170

streams, composability

client-side encryption, adding 167, 168

server-side decryption, adding 169, 170

streams, demultiplexing

server side 226, 227, 228

streams, multiplexing

client side 224, 225, 226

streams, operating modes

binary mode 170

object mode 170

structural design patterns

Adapter pattern 294

Decorator pattern 285

Proxy pattern 269

stubs 317

subset sum problem 453

subset sum task

delegating, to external process 461

executing, in worker threads 469, 471, 472

substack pattern

URL 34

superagent 90

reference link 248, 406

surrogate 269


reference link 237

synchronous APIs

using 70, 71

synchronous CPS

versus asynchronous CPS 67


task distribution patterns 577, 578, 579

Task pattern 349

TaskQueue 115, 116

TaskQueue class

implementing, with promise 138, 139


distributing, with Redis Streams 592

template methods 315

Template pattern 315, 318

configuration manager template 316, 317, 318

purpose 315

ternary-stream package

URL 229


URL 501


reference link 376

thenables 127, 128

transform streams

data, aggregating with 189, 190, 191, 192

data, filtering with 189, 190, 191, 192

Transform streams

about 185, 186

implementing 186, 187, 188

simplified construction 188, 189

transpilation (transcompilation) 280

trap methods 277

URLs 279

tree shaking

reference link 366


Universal data retrieval 411

async pages 414, 415, 416

async pages implementation 416, 418, 420, 422, 423, 424

two-pass rendering 412, 413

Universal JavaScript app

asynchronous data retrieval 405, 406, 407, 409, 411

creating 391

frontend only-app 392, 393, 394, 395, 397, 398, 399

server-side rendering 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404

Universal Module Definition (UMD)

URL 19

unordered parallel stream

implementing 206, 208

URL status monitoring application

implementing 208, 209, 210

userland 2


variable 302

vertical scaling 480

virtual DOM

reference link 379

virtual machines

= 514


version 3 285

version 3, URL 285



reference link 237


reference link 16


reference link 362

URL 19

using 369, 370, 371

webpack, alternatives

browserify 362

parcel 362

rollup 362

web spider

creating 90, 92

updating 139, 140

web spider version 2 100

web spider version 3 106, 107

web spider version 4 116, 117, 118, 119

wiring modules 257

worker module

implementing 466

worker threads

about 468

subset sum task, executing 469, 471, 472

using 468

Writable streams

about 179

backpressure 181, 182

data, pushing 179, 180, 181

implementing 182, 183

simplified construction 184


Zalgo 70

unleashing 68, 69, 70

zero-downtime restart 488, 489, 490

ZeroMQ 340, 557

distributed hashsum cracker, building 580, 581

reference link 314, 557

URL 511

ZeroMQ Fanout/Fanin pattern 579

PUSH/PULL sockets 580

zeromq package

reference link 337

ZeroMQ PUB/SUB sockets

using 559, 560, 561

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