Managing administrators

If you have a few lists that you manage yourself, then you might be quite comfortable simply using the default super-admin account for all administration work. However, if your phpList installation encompasses a lot of lists, you may have delegated management of some of these lists to other (restricted) admins or even other super-admins.

Creating a restricted admin

Let's create another administrator to manage our test2 list. On the main page, click on the admins link to go to the list administrators page:

Creating a restricted admin

On this page, you can see the current admin user listed. Click on add new admin to create another administrator:

Creating a restricted admin

To start off with, we'll enter a few basic details about our new admin. Include their login name, e-mail address, and password. Unless you want this admin to be granted all possible rights, enter 0 (that is, no) for the Super Admin field, and likewise for the disabled field. Click on Save Changes to save this admin account:

Creating a restricted admin

You'll receive a confirmation message to indicate that the admin has been created and will be returned to the same page to verify the admin permissions:

Creating a restricted admin

Setting admin permissions

There are fifty access levels that can be assigned to an administrator. phpList has a sensible default of allowing administrators free reign on their own lists, but limited access to the global administration options.

Permissions are assigned by choosing one of the following levels: None, All, View, and Owner, and associating them with the fifty different types of admin page access.

An overview:

  • None—no access. An administrator won't even see links to pages he/she has no rights to and any attempts to access these pages by URL would fail.
  • All—full access. If an admin can see an "all" page, he/she has full rights to do whatever that page controls. All rights to the system upgrade page would allow an administrator to perform phpList database upgrades.
  • View—read-only access. This is currently limited to viewing user details, user lists, and list membership lists, and is of limited usefulness.
  • Owner—full access to admin's own lists. This is the access level most commonly assigned to sub-admins. It allows them to perform all admin functions on the lists assigned to them, without access to manage other lists, or any other global options.
    Setting admin permissions

Adjust the permissions as required and click on Save Changes at the bottom of the list:

Setting admin permissions


Setting default permissions

To change the default admin permissions, make your required adjustments and then click on Set these permissions as default. Any subsequently created admins will inherit these new defaults.

Creating a super admin

A super admin is an administrator with full administrative rights and no restrictions applied. phpList's default admin account is a super-admin. Delegate this role carefully, because a super-admin can edit (or create) any other super-admin's account and change any configuration settings.

To create a super-admin, either add a new user or edit an existing user, and change the value of Is this user Super Admin? to 1:

Creating a super admin

Assigning administrators to lists

The final component of managing administrators is assigning admins to lists. Edit a list using the lists management page and change the owner using the drop-down menu:

Testing a new administrator

To confirm that the new administrator has been created successfully, log out of phpList by clicking the logout link at the top of the navigation panel, and re-login as the user you just created:

Testing a new administrator

When you login as the new admin, you'll see that there is only a subset of management options available, and only those that relate directly to this admin are shown:

Testing a new administrator
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