In-app notifications

There is often a requirement to alert your users that something has happened. Titanium allows you to use the alert function, just as you would do on the web. But, often this modal alert can be limiting and outside of your design requirements.

This recipe walks through how to use the NotifyUI module to create cross-platform, branded notification windows.

Getting ready

NotifyUI is a CommonJS module consisting of a single JavaScript file, notify.js, and a few image assets used for styling. You can control the styling of the module through configuration or by updating core image files, making it easy to fit your existing branding requirements.

This recipe is a simple demonstration on how to use the NotifyUI module. You can use this example to quickly incorporate the module into your Titanium project.

The following screenshots show this recipe in action:

Getting ready

Adding the NotifyUI module to your project

Adding the NotifyUI module to your project is easy. Simply copy the NotifyUI folder into the Resources folder of your Titanium project, as highlighted in the following screenshot. This will install the CommonJS module and all supporting images.

Adding the NotifyUI module to your project


The NotifyUI folder must be copied to the Resources folder of your Titanium project in order for this recipe to work as designed.

How to do it…

Once you've added the NotifyUI folder to your project, you need to use require to import the module into your code:

//Create our application namespace
var my = {
  notify = require('./NotifyUI/notify'),
  isAndroid : Ti.Platform.osname === 'android'

Creating a sample window

To demonstrate the NotifyUI module, we create a basic window with two buttons:

var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({

var showNotifyButton = Ti.UI.createButton({
  title:'Show Notification', top: 100, 
  height:50, right:5, left:5

var closeNotifyButton = Ti.UI.createButton({
  title:'Close Notification', top: 200, 
  height:50, right:5, left:5

Adding NotifyUI listeners

Next in our example, we add a series of listeners. The following code block demonstrates how to add a listener, to be fired when the NotifyUI notification window is closed:

my.notify.addEventListener('close',function(e){ Window Closed'),
  1. You can also listen to open event, which will fire when the notification window is opened.
    my.notify.addEventListener('open',function(e){'Notify Window Open'),
  2. The dblclick event is fired when the user double taps on the notification window.
    my.notify.addEventListener('dblclick',function(e){'Notify Window double clicked'),
  3. The textChanged event is fired from the NotifyUI module whenever updateMessage is called to update the notification window message.
    my.notify.addEventListener('textChanged',function(e){'Text Changed from ' + e.oldValue + ' to ' + e.newValue);

If you are using the Close Timer functionality, it is helpful to know if your window is being closed by the timer or by some other method. To help determine this, you can subscribe to the timerClose event, as shown in the following snippet:

my.notify.addEventListener('timerClose',function(e){'Notify Window Closed by Timer'),

Showing a message window

We can now use the button created earlier, to demonstrate how to show the notification window. To the click handler of the button we've added logic to load the module with the message text, Hello World, and the style, complete. Then we call the show method, which displays the notification window to the user.

  win.navBarHidden = true;
    message:'Hello World'

Updating a message

By calling the updateMessage function, you can update the notification text any time. The following demonstrates how to update the text from Hello World to I'm a new message:

my.notify.updateMessage("I'm a new message");

Closing a message window

There are three ways to close the notification window. The first and most common way is to call the hide function, as shown in the following snippet:


The second way to close the notification window is to use the addCloseTimer function before the show function is called, as shown in the following code block. In this example, the window will automatically close after 5,000 milliseconds (5 seconds).

  message:'Hello World'

The third and the final way to close the notification window is to have the user double tap on the message. This gesture will trigger the module to internally handle the close actions.

How it works…

The NotifyUI module provides a series of functions to create, update, and maintain the notification window. The following list provides a description of each method, along with their associated functionalities:

  • The load function: This is called to build the Ti.UI.Window, Ti.UI.Label, and associated notification style, that will later be used to display your notification. Please note you will need to first call the load function, followed by the show function, to display the notification window.
  • The show function: This displays the notification window. Please note you first need to call the load method before calling show. If this is done out of sequence, the notification window will not appear. These sequenced operations provide the flexibility to separate the load and show operations. This can be important if you have several notification events in succession.
  • The updateMessage function: To update the notification label, you call this function, providing it a string with the updated text to be displayed.
  • The hide function: Calling this will close the notification window and remove all the NotifyUI objects created.
  • The addCloseTimer function: You use this function to set a timer that will close the notification window after the provided duration (in milliseconds).
  • The removeCloseTimer function: Using this you can close the timer that you set using addCloseTimer.
  • The addEventListener function: The NotifyUI module supports several events as detailed in the next section. You can subscribe to these events using this function.
  • The removeEventListener function: Any events you have subscribed to can be removed by calling this function. To remove an event, you need to provide the same arguments as you used while calling addEventListener.


    A majority of the NotifyUI functions are chainable, providing a useable pattern similar to the one provided by jQuery.

Built-in message styles

The NotifyUI module comes with the following built-in styles:

  • Complete: This displays a window with a blue background and the default text, Completed
    Built-in message styles
  • Error: This displays a window with a red background and the default text, Error
    Built-in message styles
  • Warning: This displays a window with an orange background and the default text, Warning
    Built-in message styles
  • Success: This displays a window with a green background and the default text, Success
    Built-in message styles


    All default message texts and text colors can be updated by providing the message and messageColor object properties to the load function call.

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