Modules and open source

Appcelerator has built a strong open source community around the Titanium mobile platform. A majority of the Titanium mobile ecosystem is open source, including the Titanium SDK itself. This open source community provides a wonderful resource to learn and enhance your Titanium development processes. The following sections discuss a few key Titanium open source projects.

Appcelerator on Github

Appcelerator's Github repository contains all open source solutions including Titanium mobile provided by Appcelerator. These repositories provide an up-to-the-minute status on a majority of Appcelerator's products, including new features and updates.

View all of Appcelerator's open source solutions at

Titanium mobile on Github

The Titanium mobile SDK is open source under the Apache 2 license and available on Github. Titanium is built using the same module API as third-party modules leverage. Because of this, viewing the Titanium SDK code provides insight into the practices for developing such modules. Having the code available provides a powerful learning opportunity for Titanium developers as they are able to see how their JavaScript interacts with the underlying platform.

View the source for the Titanium mobile SDK at

Titanium modules on Github

A key feature of Titanium mobile is the ability to support third-party modules. All of the modules used in this book are open source and available on Github. In addition to those modules offered by third parties, Appcelerator provides a large set of community modules available at

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