Workflow customization

It is highly recommended to install the KNIME Nodes to create KNIME Quick Forms extension from the standard KNIME update site, because its nodes allow you to create configuration points for a whole part of your workflow. This way, your users can customize their needs more easily or just experiment with different parameters.

Here comes a short introduction to the Quick Form nodes. First, we will group these by what kind of information is generated:

  • Boolean Input: It generates logical information
  • Integer Input: It generates integer number
  • Double Input: It generates double number
  • Date (String) Input: It generates date (as text)
  • Column Filter QuickForm (multiple column names; results in an empty table) Column Selection QuickForm (single column name): These generate date (as text)
  • String Input (single line), String Radio Buttons, Single Selection Input QuickForm (single choice from enumerated possible values), Multiple Selection Input QuickForm (multiple choice from enumerated possible values, returns a table), Variable Selection QuickForm (single selection from the values of a nominal column), Variable Filter QuickForm (multiple selection from the values of a nominal column), and Molecule String Input (designed for molecules, although it does not check correctness in the KNIME Desktop): These generate text

On the KNIME web portal, these can be represented as different controls. For this reason, you can specify the label to show their description and the flow variable name in each of the previously introduced nodes.


You can configure the actual values of the QuickForms nodes by configuring the workflow or even the meta node. You can also use the QuickForm Execution... option to specify their values before executing the workflow.

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