Overview of visualizations

The various options to visualize data in KNIME allow you to get an overview or even publication-quality figures from the data you have preprocessed and analyzed.

The interactive versions of a node allow you to change the column selections and probably the other extra options.

The JFreeChart nodes generate images from the input data, which is also available as a view with further customization options. These nodes usually do not support the HiLite feature and the different visual properties (color, size, and shape).

First, to help decide what you use to open the data, we will compare the capabilities of the different visualization nodes:


Supported data types


Box Plot

Numeric (multiple)

Provides robust stats

Conditional Box Plot

Nominal and numeric (multiple)

Also gives robust stats


Nominal or numeric and numeric


Histogram (interactive)

Nominal or numeric and numeric


Interactive Table


Similar to port view

Lift Chart

Nominal and probability


Line Plot

Numeric (multiple)


Parallel Coordinates

Nominal or numeric


Pie chart

Nominal and numeric


Pie chart (interactive)

Nominal and numeric


Scatter Matrix

Nominal or numeric

Multiple scatter plots

Scatter Plot

Nominal or numeric (two)


Bar Chart (JFreeChart)



Bubble Chart (JFreeChart)

Numeric (three)


Group By Bar Chart (JFreeChart)

Nominal (unique) and numeric

Color properties supported

HeatMap (JFreeChart)

Distance or numeric

Distance between rows

Interval Chart (JFreeChart)

Date and nominal


Line Chart (JFreeChart)

Numeric (multiple) or date

Color properties supported

Pie Chart (JFreeChart)


Color properties supported

Scatter Plot (JFreeChart)

Numeric (two)

Color, shape used

Linear Regression (Learner)

Numeric (multiple)

Scatter + line of model

Polynomial Regression (Learner)

Numeric (multiple)

Scatter + graph of model

OSM Map View

Numeric (two)

Spatial data

OSM Map to Image

Numeric (two)

Spatial data, creates image

Hierarchical Cluster View

Distance and cluster model


ROC Curve

Nominal and numeric (multiple)


Enrichment Plotter

Numeric (multiple)


Spark Line Appender

Numeric (multiple)

No view, but creates images

Radar Plot Appender

Numeric (multiple)

No view, but creates images

There are a few other view-related nodes in KNIME (and many more with mostly textual views). The Image To Table node can be useful when you want to iterate (loop) through certain parts generating images. Because the image ports (dark green filled rectangles) cannot be used with loop end nodes, you have to convert them to a table column. This is the exact purpose of the Image To Table node.

On the other hand, when you want an image port to hold an image (for example, to include it in a report), you should use the Table To Image node, which selects the first row's selected image column and returns it as an image port object.

The last notable node is the Renderer to Image. It simply grabs a column and the selected renderer, and creates an SVG or PNG image column with its content. You can use this later in web pages or other places, where supported. This is very handy when you want to handle a special kind of content; for example, molecules.

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