Using HiLite

There is no direct option to handle the HiLite information within the report, but you can easily work around this.

First, you can add a new table where you have the highlighted rows filtered by the HiLite Filter node. This way, you need to use this other table to signal (for example, with highlights) what was "HiLited". This has an advantage, in that it does not require manual steps, but it might be a good idea to add a new column to the result and rejoin it with the original table before sending the data to the report editor.

Another option is using Interactive HiLite Collector. Its output can contain different information based on different groups. So in the reporting data, you can choose between multiple visualizations; you can even combine them. The drawback is that it requires to be set manually after each reset of the node with the same column names/values.

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