The Role of a Visual Merchandiser

“We are the guys backstage who are stage-managing and producing the whole effect, whereas the buyers are writing the story and providing the content. We are the ones who have to bring it to life.”

Alannah Weston, Creative Director, Selfridges

The use of dramatically posed mannequins and simple graphics applied to both the wall and floor create a stunning in-store display at Lane Crawford, Hong Kong.

A visual merchandiser’s role is to increase sales: first by attracting shoppers into the store through the power of the window display, and then through in-store display and layout, which needs to encourage them to remain in the store, purchase, and have a positive retail experience so that they return.

Individuals wanting to pursue a career in visual merchandising would benefit from being creative, commercial, understanding, and unquestionably hard-working. Long hours, opinionated colleagues and members of the public, and tight deadlines are all common challenges that go with the job. In addition, an awareness not only of fashion trends but also of social, political, and economic trends would be beneficial for any visual merchandiser. No longer do the fashion pages dictate to the retail world; lifestyle trends are as important as apparel. Where individuals take their vacations and who they listen to on their iPods may well influence the style and direction of where they choose to shop.

Above all, an unbiased outlook is paramount. A successful store may already have its own winning creative formula, and although the visual merchandising manager may be willing to listen to suggestions, he or she will usually want someone with a commercial mind who can help support the existing team. A nonpersonal view and unopinionated attitude toward the product you may be asked to work with are necessary. A good visual merchandiser can work with the ugliest and most unsympathetic of products and still come up with great results.

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