List of Listings

Chapter 1. A Dependency Injection tasting menu

Listing 1.1. Salutation class

Listing 1.2. Extending the Hello DI application with a security feature

Listing 1.3. Unit testing the Salutation class

Chapter 2. A comprehensive example

Listing 2.1. Mary’s ProductService class

Listing 2.2. Index method on the default controller class

Listing 2.3. Index View markup

Listing 2.4. Index View markup

Listing 2.5. HomeController with CONSTRUCTOR INJECTION

Listing 2.6. ProductService class

Listing 2.7. Implementing ProductRepository using LINQ to Entities

Chapter 3. DI Containers

Listing 3.1. Configuring Unity with XML

Listing 3.2. Configuring StructureMap with code

Listing 3.3. Encapsulating multiple registrations

Chapter 4. DI patterns


Listing 4.2. Injecting a CurrencyProvider into the BasketController


Listing 4.4. Exposing a CurrencyProfileService property

Listing 4.5. Checking a method parameter for null before using it

Listing 4.6. A sample add-in client

Listing 4.7. Currency

Listing 4.8. Converting Money to another currency

Listing 4.9. Converting a Basket’s currency

Listing 4.10. SQL Server–backed Currency implementation


Listing 4.12. TimeProvider AMBIENT CONTEXT

Listing 4.13. Default time provider

Listing 4.14. Caching the exchange rate

Listing 4.15. Unit testing that a currency is correctly cached and expired

Chapter 5. DI anti-patterns

Listing 5.1. newing up a ProductRepository

Listing 5.2. ProductService with BASTARD INJECTION

Listing 5.3. Implicitly constraining the ProductRepository constructor

Listing 5.4. SomeService that requires ISomeRepository

Listing 5.5. A minimalistic SERVICE LOCATOR implementation

Chapter 6. DI refactorings

Listing 6.1. Using an IRouteAlgorithmFactory

Listing 6.2. Creating a child window

Listing 6.3. Deferred initialization of DEPENDENCIES

Listing 6.4. Enforcing loose coupling with a unit test

Listing 6.5. Enforcing loose coupling with an integration test

Chapter 7. Object Composition

Listing 7.1. Console application COMPOSITION ROOT

Listing 7.2. Custom CurrencyContainer

Listing 7.3. Creating Controllers

Listing 7.4. Custom ServiceHostFactory

Listing 7.5. Custom ServiceHost

Listing 7.6. CommerceInstanceProvider class declaration and constructor

Listing 7.7. IInstanceProvider implementation

Listing 7.8. Core implementation of IContractBehavior

Listing 7.9. Resolving ProductManagementService

Listing 7.10. Composing the main window

Listing 7.11. Implementing a WPF COMPOSITION ROOT

Listing 7.12. Composing a Presenter as data source

Listing 7.13. Resolving CampaignPresenter

Listing 7.14. Deleting baskets more than a month old

Listing 7.15. Implementing GetBasketCmdlet

Listing 7.16. Resolving BasketManager

Chapter 8. Object Lifetime

Listing 8.1. Composing with multiple instances of the same DEPENDENCY

Listing 8.2. Managing lifetime with a container

Listing 8.3. Configuring Autofac with TRANSIENT DEPENDENCIES

Listing 8.4. Associating disposable DEPENDENCIES with a resolved root

Listing 8.5. Releasing disposable DEPENDENCIES

Listing 8.6. Managing SINGLETONS

Listing 8.7. Resolving TRANSIENT DiscountRepositorys

Listing 8.8. Resolving a single repository per graph

Listing 8.9. Composing HomeController

Listing 8.10. Resolving a web request context-scoped DEPENDENCY

Listing 8.11. Releasing disposable WEB REQUEST CONTEXT–scoped DEPENDENCIES

Listing 8.12. Laying out a foundation for a pooling container

Listing 8.13. Resolving repositories from a pool

Listing 8.14. Returning repositories to the pool

Chapter 9. Interception

Listing 9.1. Declaring an AuditingProductRepository

Listing 9.2. Implementing AuditingProductRepository

Listing 9.3. Composing a Decorator

Listing 9.4. Decorating with a Circuit Breaker

Listing 9.5. Handling exceptions

Listing 9.6. Explicitly checking authorization

Listing 9.7. Violating the DRY principle

Listing 9.8. Implementing the exception handling Interceptor

Listing 9.9. Implementing the Circuit Breaker Interceptor

Listing 9.10. Implementing a Pointcut

Chapter 10. Castle Windsor

Listing 10.1. Implementing a Windsor Installer

Listing 10.2. Defining a custom lifestyle

Listing 10.3. Implementing the Resolve method

Listing 10.4. Implementing an ILease

Listing 10.5. Naming components

Listing 10.6. Registering named courses

Listing 10.7. Overriding AUTO-WIRING

Listing 10.8. Explicitly defining an array of services

Listing 10.9. Explicitly configuring a Decorator

Listing 10.10. Supplying a primitive constructor argument value

Listing 10.11. Configuring a factory method

Chapter 11. StructureMap

Listing 11.1. Implementing a custom convention

Listing 11.2. Implementing a Registry

Listing 11.3. Implementing a lifestyle-declaring convention

Listing 11.4. Implementing ILifecycle

Listing 11.5. Constructing LeasedObjectCache

Listing 11.6. Implementing Get and Set

Listing 11.7. Using different cache lifestyles for each Instance

Listing 11.8. Naming Instances

Listing 11.9. Configuring named courses

Listing 11.10. Overriding AUTO-WIRING

Listing 11.11. Using Instance references to override AUTO-WIRING

Listing 11.12. Using Instance references to inject a sequence

Listing 11.13. Injecting named Instances into a sequence

Chapter 12. Spring.NET

Listing 12.1. Wiring a list of dependencies

Listing 12.2. Translating requests for a sequence into requests for arrays

Listing 12.3. Injecting named objects into a sequence

Listing 12.4. Implementing an exception handling IMethodInterceptor

Listing 12.5. Implementing a Circuit Breaker IMethodInterceptor

Listing 12.6. Configuring interceptors

Chapter 13. Autofac

Listing 13.1. Implementing an Autofac Module

Listing 13.2. Registering named courses

Listing 13.3. Overriding AUTO-WIRING

Listing 13.4. Overriding AUTO-WIRING with a convention

Listing 13.5. Injecting named components into a sequence

Listing 13.6. Decorating with WithParameter

Chapter 14. Unity

Listing 14.1. Registering all IIngredients in an assembly

Listing 14.2. Implementing a Container Extension

Listing 14.3. Implementing a custom LifetimeManager

Listing 14.4. Disposing a LifetimeManager

Listing 14.5. Implementing a custom LifetimeStrategy

Listing 14.6. Extending Unity with CacheLifetimeStrategy

Listing 14.7. Implementing a releasing strategy

Listing 14.8. Naming registrations

Listing 14.9. Registering named courses

Listing 14.10. Overriding AUTO-WIRING

Listing 14.11. Injecting named components into a sequence

Listing 14.12. Decorating with a named component

Listing 14.13. Implementing an exception handling IInterceptionBehavior

Listing 14.14. Implementing a Circuit Breaker IInterceptionBehavior

Chapter 15. MEF

Listing 15.1. Exporting OliveOil via an adapter

Listing 15.2. Adapting a class with DEPENDENCIES

Listing 15.3. Implementing a custom catalog

Listing 15.4. Defining named exports

Listing 15.5. Targeting exports for a set

Listing 15.6. Exporting a type with an internal constructor

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