Table of Contents


Brief Table of Contents

Table of Contents




About this Book

About the Cover Illustration

1. Putting Dependency Injection on the map

Chapter 1. A Dependency Injection tasting menu

1.1. Writing maintainable code

1.1.1. Unlearning DI

1.1.2. Understanding the purpose of DI

1.2. Hello DI

1.2.1. Hello DI code

1.2.2. Benefits of DI

1.3. What to inject and what not to inject

1.3.1. Seams

1.3.2. Stable Dependencies

1.3.3. Volatile Dependencies

1.4. DI scope

1.4.1. Object Composition

1.4.2. Object Lifetime

1.4.3. Interception

1.4.4. DI in three dimensions

1.5. Summary

Chapter 2. A comprehensive example

2.1. Doing it wrong

2.1.1. Building a tightly coupled application

2.1.2. Smoke test

2.1.3. Evaluation

2.1.4. Analysis

2.2. Doing it right

2.2.1. Rebuilding the commerce application

2.2.2. Analyzing the loosely coupled implementation

2.3. Expanding the sample application

2.3.1. Architecture

2.3.2. Basket feature

2.4. Summary

Chapter 3. DI Containers

3.1. Introducing DI Containers

3.1.1. Hello container

3.1.2. Auto-wiring

3.2. Configuring DI Containers

3.2.1. Configuring containers with XML

3.2.2. Configuring containers with code

3.2.3. Configuring containers by convention

3.3. DI Container patterns

3.3.1. Composition Root

3.3.2. Register Resolve Release

3.4. DI Container landscape

3.4.1. Selecting a DI Container

3.4.2. Microsoft and DI

3.5. Summary

2. DI catalog

Chapter 4. DI patterns

4.1. Constructor Injection

4.1.1. How it works

4.1.2. When to use it

4.1.3. Known use

4.1.4. Example: Adding a currency provider to the shopping basket

4.1.5. Related patterns

4.2. Property Injection

4.2.1. How it works

4.2.2. When to use it

4.2.3. Known use

4.2.4. Example: Defining a currency profile service for the BasketController

4.2.5. Related patterns

4.3. Method Injection

4.3.1. How it works

4.3.2. When to use it

4.3.3. Known use

4.3.4. Example: Converting baskets

4.3.5. Related patterns

4.4. Ambient Context

4.4.1. How it works

4.4.2. When to use it

4.4.3. Known use

4.4.4. Example: Caching Currency

4.4.5. Related patterns

4.5. Summary

Chapter 5. DI anti-patterns

5.1. Control Freak

5.1.1. Example: newing up Dependencies

5.1.2. Example: Factory

5.1.3. Analysis

5.2. Bastard Injection

5.2.1. Example: ProductService with Foreign Default

5.2.2. Analysis

5.3. Constrained Construction

5.3.1. Example: late-binding ProductRepository

5.3.2. Analysis

5.4. Service Locator

5.4.1. Example: ProductService using a Service Locator

5.4.2. Analysis

5.5. Summary

Chapter 6. DI refactorings

6.1. Mapping runtime values to Abstractions

6.1.1. Abstractions with runtime Dependencies

6.1.2. Example: selecting a routing algorithm

6.1.3. Example: using a CurrencyProvider

6.2. Working with short-lived Dependencies

6.2.1. Closing connections through Abstractions

6.2.2. Example: invoking a product-management service

6.3. Resolving cyclic Dependencies

6.3.1. Addressing Dependency cycles

6.3.2. Example: composing a window

6.4. Dealing with Constructor Over-injection

6.4.1. Recognizing and addressing Constructor Over-injection

6.4.2. Example: refactoring order reception

6.5. Monitoring coupling

6.5.1. Unit-testing coupling

6.5.2. Integration-testing coupling

6.5.3. Using NDepend to monitor coupling

6.6. Summary


Chapter 7. Object Composition

7.1. Composing console applications

7.1.1. Example: updating currencies

7.2. Composing ASP.NET MVC applications

7.2.1. ASP.NET MVC extensibility

7.2.2. Example: implementing CommerceControllerFactory

7.3. Composing WCF applications

7.3.1. WCF extensibility

7.3.2. Example: wiring up a product-management service

7.4. Composing WPF applications

7.4.1. WPF Composition

7.4.2. Example: wiring up a product-management rich client

7.5. Composing ASP.NET applications

7.5.1. ASP.NET composition

7.5.2. Example: wiring up a CampaignPresenter

7.6. Composing PowerShell cmdlets

7.6.1. Example: composing basket-management cmdlets

7.7. Summary

Chapter 8. Object Lifetime

8.1. Managing Dependency Lifetime

8.1.1. Introducing Lifetime Management

8.1.2. Managing lifetime with a container

8.2. Working with disposable Dependencies

8.2.1. Consuming disposable Dependencies

8.2.2. Managing disposable Dependencies

8.3. Lifestyle catalog

8.3.1. Singleton

8.3.2. Transient

8.3.3. Per Graph

8.3.4. Web Request Context

8.3.5. Pooled

8.3.6. Other lifestyles

8.4. Summary

Chapter 9. Interception

9.1. Introducing Interception

9.1.1. Example: implementing auditing

9.1.2. Patterns and principles for Interception

9.2. Implementing Cross-Cutting Concerns

9.2.1. Intercepting with a Circuit Breaker

9.2.2. Handling exceptions

9.2.3. Adding security

9.3. Declaring aspects

9.3.1. Using attributes to declare aspects

9.3.2. Applying dynamic Interception

9.3.3. Example: intercepting with Windsor

9.4. Summary

4. DI Containers

Chapter 10. Castle Windsor

10.1. Introducing Castle Windsor

10.1.1. Resolving objects

10.1.2. Configuring the container

10.1.3. Packaging configuration

10.2. Managing lifetime

10.2.1. Configuring lifestyle

10.2.2. Using advanced lifestyles

10.2.3. Developing a custom lifestyle

10.3. Working with multiple components

10.3.1. Selecting among multiple candidates

10.3.2. Wiring sequences

10.3.3. Wiring Decorators

10.4. Configuring difficult APIs

10.4.1. Configuring primitive Dependencies

10.4.2. Registering components with code blocks

10.4.3. Wiring with Property Injection

10.5. Summary

Chapter 11. StructureMap

11.1. Introducing StructureMap

11.1.1. Resolving objects

11.1.2. Configuring the container

11.1.3. Packaging configuration

11.2. Managing lifetime

11.2.1. Configuring lifestyles

11.2.2. Developing a custom lifestyle

11.3. Working with multiple components

11.3.1. Selecting among multiple candidates

11.3.2. Wiring sequences

11.3.3. Wiring Decorators

11.4. Configuring difficult APIs

11.4.1. Configuring primitive Dependencies

11.4.2. Creating objects with code blocks

11.4.3. Wiring with Property Injection

11.5. Summary

Chapter 12. Spring.NET

12.1. Introducing Spring.NET

12.1.1. Resolving objects

12.1.2. Configuring the container

12.1.3. Loading XML

12.2. Managing lifetime

12.2.1. Configuring object scopes

12.3. Working with multiple components

12.3.1. Selecting among multiple candidates

12.3.2. Wiring sequences

12.3.3. Wiring Decorators

12.3.4. Creating Interceptors

12.4. Configuring difficult APIs

12.4.1. Configuring primitive Dependencies

12.4.2. Configuring static factories

12.4.3. Wiring with Property Injection

12.5. Summary

Chapter 13. Autofac

13.1. Introducing Autofac

13.1.1. Resolving objects

13.1.2. Configuring the ContainerBuilder

13.1.3. Packaging configuration

13.2. Managing lifetime

13.2.1. Configuring instance scope

13.3. Working with multiple components

13.3.1. Selecting among multiple candidates

13.3.2. Wiring sequences

13.3.3. Wiring Decorators

13.4. Registering difficult APIs

13.4.1. Configuring primitive Dependencies

13.4.2. Registering objects with code blocks

13.4.3. Wiring with Property Injection

13.5. Summary

Chapter 14. Unity

14.1. Introducing Unity

14.1.1. Resolving objects

14.1.2. Configuring the container

14.1.3. Packaging configuration

14.2. Managing lifetime

14.2.1. Configuring lifetime

14.2.2. Developing a custom lifetime

14.3. Working with multiple components

14.3.1. Selecting among multiple candidates

14.3.2. Wiring sequences

14.3.3. Wiring Decorators

14.3.4. Creating Interceptors

14.4. Configuring difficult APIs

14.4.1. Configuring primitive Dependencies

14.4.2. Registering components with code blocks

14.4.3. Wiring with Property Injection

14.5. Summary

Chapter 15. MEF

15.1. Introducing MEF

15.1.1. Resolving objects

15.1.2. Defining imports and exports

15.1.3. Working with catalogs

15.2. Managing lifetime

15.2.1. Declaring creation policy

15.2.2. Releasing objects

15.3. Working with multiple components

15.3.1. Selecting among multiple candidates

15.3.2. Wiring sequences

15.3.3. Wiring Decorators

15.4. Composing difficult APIs

15.4.1. Compositing primitive parts

15.4.2. Composing parts with non-public constructors

15.4.3. Wiring with Property Injection

15.5. Summary

Appendix Resources

In print


Other resources

Appendix Glossary

Appendix Glossary conceptual map

Appendix Charts

DI Container feature comparison chart

Lifestyle Comparison Chart


List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Listings

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