Chapter 3


1. Louis Alvin Day, Ethics in Media Communication: Cases and Controversies, 4th ed. (Belmont, CA: Wordsworth/Thomson Learning, 2003).

2. O. C. Ferrel, John Paul Fraedrich, and Linda Ferrel, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 6th ed. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004).

3. Ibid.

4. Joseph Badaracco, cited in “Leadership: Facing Moral and Ethical Dilemmas,” 2001, available at

5. Keith Davis and William C. Frederick, Business and Society: Management, Public Policy, Ethics, 5th ed. (New York: McGraw Hill, 1983).

6. Ibid.

7. Sucheta Dalal, “Whistle-blowing in Banks: How Can It Be Effective?” Lecture at the 8th Balasubramaniam Memorial Conference for Corporation Bank Officers’ Organization, cited in P S. Balaj and Raj Agarwal, Business Ethics, An Indian Perspective (New Delhi: Bizantra, 2004).

8. See Note 5.

9. Ibid.

10. A. C. Fernando, Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices (New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2006).

11. Van Buren, “Why Does Business Have Such a Negative Image?” UNM Anderson School of Management, 2006, available at

12. S. H. Venkatramani, “Morals in Management,” Lifepositive, cited in Syed Zia ur Rahman, YaHind, available at

13. C. L. Ramakrishnan, PPTs on Business Ethics, (Chennai: LIBA, 2004).

14. Ibid.

15. See Note 2.

16. Ibid.

17. Thomas White, “Philosophical Ethics,” 2006, available at

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. LMU/LA, “Resolving an Ethical Dilemma,” 2006, available at

21. Kenneth Blanchard and Norman V Peale, The Power of Ethical Management, 1st ed. (New York: William Morrow, 1988).

1. Nityanand Jayaraman, “Unilever’s Mercury Fever,” India Together, 2001, available at

2. Ibid.

3. A. V. Vedpuriswar, “Environmental Pollution at Kodaikanal and Hindustan Lever’s Response,” 2005, cited in C. V. Baxi and Ajit Prasad, eds, Corporate Social Responsibility, Concepts and Cases: The Indian Experience (New Delhi: Excel Books, 2005).

4. “Ex-workers Ask HLL to Accept Liability for Mercury Deaths,” 19 January 2007, available at

5. Ibid.

6. Anand Chokhani, “Ethical and Unethical Practices of Hindustan Lever Ltd,” (Chennai: LIBA, 2005).

7. Nityanand Jayaraman, “Hindustan Lever Will Export Mercury Waste to USA,” 31 March 2003, Environment News Service, available at

8. Greenpeace India, “Hindustan Lever Limited Found Guilty Again,” 4 February 2004, available at

9. “Ex-workers Ask HLL to Accept Liability for Mercury Deaths,” 19 January 2007, available at

10. See Note 6.

11. See Note 8.

12. See Note 6.

13. See Note 8.

14. Express News Service, “Unilever Urged to Clean Up Kodai,” The New Indian Express, Chennai, 7 March 2008.

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