Chapter 14


* This chapter was specifically written to be included in this book by the author’s colleague, Prof. Jayaram K. Iyer. The author is indebted to him. This chapter heavily borrows from the codes of marketing ethics of the American Marketing Association (AMA) to expound on the subject.

* The Chennai-based housing solutions firm is now under liquidation proceedings.

Gutkha is a tobacco-based product that is chewed. Considering it to be an addictive substance and a menace consumed primarily by the poor, many states banned it. However, the Supreme Court held such ban untenable in August 2004, citing reasons that states discriminated against gutkha by banning it while not imposing similar bans on cigarettes. Read about its ill effects of consumption at

** It is said that much of the riches of today’s Mumbai and its cotton mills can be traced to opium trades of Mumbai traders with China during the 1820s. Read further book by Amar Farooqui, Opium City: The Making of Early Victorian Bombay 1st ed. (Mumbai: Three Essays Collective, 2006).

†† For a deeper discussion on the effect of time on moral development and ethics see: Hagen, W. W., “Ethics, Marketing and the Federal Trade Commission,” American Business Law Journal (Fall, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1967): 171, 14 pp. Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Boston, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Goizueta’s redefinition of the competitive space of Coke as water etc. can be read in the book Every Business Is a Growth Business by R. Charan and N. M. Tichy, The Three Rivers Press, New York, 1998.

1. Nancy Garner, “Successful Development of New Products Requires Anticipating Customers’ Needs,” UWNEWS, 11 October 2004, available at

2. Special correspondent, “Pesticide Levels in Soft Drinks Too High,” The Hindu, 3 August 2006, available at

3. MERCK, “The Merck’s Mectizan Donation Program,” 1995–2007, online document, available at

4. Philip Kotler, “Wrestling With Ethics: Is Marketing Ethics an Oxymoron?” November/December, 2004, Marketing Management, Kellogg School of Management, online document, available at

5. T. C. O’Guinn and R. J. Faber, “Compulsive Buying: A Phenomenological Explanation,” Journal of Consumer Research (Vol. 16, September 1989): 151–155.

6. Marketing Thought: Leaders@AMA, “AMA Adopts New Definition of Marketing,” American Marketing Association, 2007, available at

7. R. Bartels, “A Model for Ethics in Marketing,” Journal of Marketing (Vol. 31, 1967): 20–26.

8. G. R. Laczniak and P. E. Murphy, eds., Ethical Marketing Decisions: The Higher Road (Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1993).

9. Craig N. Smith, “Ethical Guidelines for Marketing Practice: A Reply to Gaski and Some Observations on the Role of Normative Marketing Ethics,” Journal of Business Ethics (Vol. 32, 2001): 3–18.

10. K. Jayaram, “A Review of Marketing Ethics in India,” Management Matters (Vol. 1, No. 6, March–August, 2006): 60–73.

11. R. D. Petty, “Editor’s Introduction: The What and Why of Marketing Law,” American Business Law Journal (Vol. 36, Winter, 1999): 239–254.

12. Vibhuti Patel, “Capitalist Mind, Socialist Heart,” The Hindu, 30 July 2006, Available at

13. D. P. Robin and R. E. Reidenbach, “Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Marketing Strategy: Closing the Gap Between Concept and Application,” Journal of Marketing (Vol. 51, January, 1987): 44–58.

14. O. William and P. E. Murphy, “The Ethics of Virtue: A Moral Theory for Marketing,” Journal of Macromarketing (Vol. 10, Spring, 1990): 19–29.

15. C. J. Thompson, “A Contexualist Proposal for the Conceptualization and Study of Marketing Ethics,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing (Vol. 14, Fall, 1995): 177–191.

16. Kenneth D. Crews, “A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.: Implications for the Digital Music Library,” 2001, online document, available at

17. Katrina Brooker, “The Pepsi Machine,” 30, January 2006, online document, available at

18. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management: The Millennium Edition, 10th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prientice-Hall, 2000), 476 pp.

19. Wikipedia, “Price Fixing,” 2007, online document, available at

20. “SC Verdict on Gutkha, Pan Masala—Manufacturers Hail Ruling,” Business Line, 3 August 2004, available at

21. Michael R. Hyman and Richard Tansey, “Research on Advertising Ethics: Past, Present and Future,” Journal of Advertising (Vol. 23, No. 3, September 1994).

22. Arjun Ravi, “IIPM: Tall Claims,” 8 March 2006, available at

23. Young Media Australia, “Advertising and Children: Is Advertising a ‘Fair Game’ for Kids?,” 2003,

24. D. E. Palmer, “Pop-Ups, Cookies, and Spam: Toward a Deeper Analysis of the Ethical Significance of Internet Marketing Practices,” Journal of Business Ethics (Vol. 58, 2005): 271–280.

1. Coca-Cola India, “Environment Policy,” online document, 2007, available at

2. Coca-Cola India, “Quality is our highest business objective,” online document, 2007, available at

3. Aman Sethi, “Mehdiganj: Bottling Livelihoods,” 20 May 2006, available at

4. K. L. Tucker, K. Morita, N. Qiao, M. T. Hannan, A. Cupples, and D. P. Kiel, “Cola Is Associated With Bone Mineral Density Loss So May Up Osteoporosis Risk for Older Women,” Medical News Today, available at

5. Haider Rizvi, “Coke Slammed at Shareholders Meeting for Practices in India,” 20 April 2006, available at

6. Stephanie Gozowski, “Indian Community Speaks on Coke,” 6 April 2006,

7. Amit Srivastava, “University Suspends Business With Coca-Cola for Crimes in India, Colombia,” 30 December 2005, available at

8. Sofia Jamin-Thomas, “Coca-Cola Benefits From Contribution to Bush Administration,” 25 March 2005, available at

9. Arthur Chu, “Anti-Coke Activists Hold Panel, Pursue Shareholder Action,” 20 April 2005, available at

10. Raj Chengappa, “The Battle Hardens,” India Today, 21 August 2006, available at

11. Correspondent, “BJYM Men Find Lizard in Soft Drink Bottle,” The Times of India, 15 February 2003, available at

12. Severin Carrell, “Coke: Campaigners Demand Action Against Feel good Drinks Firm,” 19 March 2006, available at

13. Amit Srivastava and R. Ajayan, “Second Massive Protest Against Coca-Cola in India in New Year: Community Commemorates Thousand Day Anniversary of Vigil Against Coca-Cola in Kerala,” 13 January 2005, available at

14. Ibid.

15. K. C. Gopakumar, “Kerala High Court Quashes Ban on Coca-Cola, Pepsi,” The Hindu, 23 September 2006, available at

16. Amit Srivastava and R Ajayan, “Kerala Government Assures Proactive Action Against Coca-Cola,” 19 June 2005, available at

17. Tim Castle, “Financer Bets on Coke Stocks Falling,” 25 November 2004, available at

18. Nandlal Master and Amit Srivastava, “Over 500 March to Condemn Violence at Coca-Cola Protest Mehdiganj,” 7 January 2005, available at

19. See Note 17.

20. See Note 18.

21. Nityanand Jayaraman, “Water Wars and Bottle Battles,” 24 May 2005, available at

22. Amit Srivastava, “Communities in Rajasthan Demand Shut Down of Bottling Plant,” 12 December 2005, available at

23. Meena Menon, “Coca-Cola Draws Ire of Farmers in Thane,” The Hindu, 17 September 2006, available at

24. Ibid.

25. See Note 3.

26., Wikipedia, 2008, ‘Pepsico’.

27. Ibid.

28. See Note 10.

29. Steve Stecklow, “How a Global Web of Activists Gives Coke Problems in India,” The Wall Street Journal, 7 June 2005, cited in India Resource Center, available at

30. See Note 10.

31. Ibid.

32. Pepsi, “All Our Soft Drink Products Are of World-Class Quality,” 7 August 2003, available at

33. Press Trust of India, “Our Drinks Are Safe, Claims Coke,”, 11 August 2006, available at

34., “How Are Cola Companies Coping With the Pesticides Issue?” 10 August 2006, available at

35. Correspondent, “Cola Firms Launch Counter-Offensive,” The Hindu, 15 January 2008, available at

36. Press Trust of India, “Coke Gets TERI Clean Chit on Eco Compliance,” cited in Indian Express, 15 January 2008, available at

37. Archna Shukla, “Missing the Fizz,” Business Today, 29 January 2006, available at

38. Press Trust of India, “Panel Rejects CSE Report,” 21 October 2006, available at

39. “Branded Water Fails Tests,” Deccan Chronicle, Chennai, 27 August 2006.

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