Model Question Papers

Model Question Paper – 1

Max. Marks 100

  1. Choose ONE of the topics given below and participate in a group discussion.

    (25 marks)

    1. Computer is only a tool. Its intelligence is a myth.
    2. Students should be tested on only the subjects of their choice at the end of the B.Tech course.
    3. Teacher attitude in the classroom is more important then the knowledge he/she imparts.
    4. Spiritual quotient is necessary for success.
    5. Evolution is not about progress.

      (Note to teachers: a GD can be conducted on one of the topics to test the students' spoken skills in groups of 6-7 students. The evaluation for this discussion could be based on the following parameters;

      • initiative, leadership – 10 marks
      • language, fluency, logicality, connectivity – 10 marks
      • team work – 5 marks. )
  2. What are the important elements in any human communication? Explain with the help of examples. Keep the difference between the spoken and the written mode in mind while answering this question.

    (Marks – 10)

  3. Given below are a number of situations. State which of the elements of human communication is predominant in each of them. Explain why.

    (Marks – 10)

    1. A telephonic conversation.
    2. A teacher talking to students, trying to explain why it is important for them to use the right kind of study skills.
    3. A session where you have to say how you found a certain course useful, interesting.
    4. A group discussion where you have to express your views on whether government funds should be diverted for primary or higher education.
    5. A conversation with your principal, where you are trying to convince him about not detaining students with less attendance.
  4. Read the paragraph given below and prepare notes. Maintain alignment between the main and the sub points.

    (Marks -15)

    Abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or a group of words. An abbreviation is used in writing to save time and space. Some abbreviations are also used in speaking. Abbreviations are often made by taking the first letter of the word or the first letter of each important word in the group and writing it in capitals. For example, PO stands for post office and COD for collect on delivery or cash on delivery. Sometimes, the first letter is printed as a small letter followed by full stop, as in the case of m. for married and b. for born. In some cases, other letters of the word are also added. Thus, ms. means manuscript and ft. means foot. Sometimes abbreviations are made from the initial letters or syllables of a group of words and they spell out a word, such as NATO or WAVES. Such abbreviations called acronyms are not followed by a full stop. Letters used in abbreviations are sometimes doubled for the plural form, as in the case of ll., used for lines, and pp., used for pages.

    For certain abbreviations, small capital letters may be used instead of large capitals. The abbreviations AD, BC, AM, and PM are often printed in small capitals. Of course, abbreviations are most often used to stand for common words such as the names of days, months, of states, and of countries. Long words and phrases are often abbreviated too, such as Lieut., for lieutenant and RFD for rural free delivery. Titles and academic degrees are usually abbreviated; DD is used instead of the longer Doctor of Divinity, and HRH instead of His (or Her) Royal Highness. In modern business Co. means Company; Ltd. means limited.

  5. Give the structure of a feasibility report. State only the outline of the structure.

    (Marks – 5)

  6. Answer any three of the following short answer question topics.

    (Marks – 3 × 5 = 15)

    1. Write a short note on the need for creativity in communication.
    2. Distance and positioning as body language in a communicative situation.
    3. Routine reports.
    4. Speed reading.
    5. The don'ts in a telephonic conversation.
  7. Answer the following questions relating to grammar

    1. Look at the following sentences and identify the main and the auxiliary verbs in each.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. The opinions of the people were not revealed.
      2. The glaciers in the North and the South Pole are melting fast.
      3. The air is getting polluted very fast.
      4. The rare birds had left their habitat before the team of experts could reach them.
      5. I have broken my hand.
    2. Fill in the blanks by using the right form of the verb given in brackets.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. The shopping mall_______(open) at 9am everyday.
      2. We often_______(see) English movies.
      3. I have a jeep but I_______(do) drive it often.
      4. The river Amazon flows into the Pacific Ocean.
      5. How often_______(does) you write to your parents?
    3. A friend of yours has just come back from a holiday. You are asking her about it. Make complete sentences, using the clues given, as answers given by your friend

      (Marks – 5)

      1. stay/cousin _____________________
      2. place/see/many _____________________
      3. meet/old friends _____________________
      4. visit / famous temple _____________________
      5. walk up / the mountain _____________________
    4. In the sentences given below, fill in the blanks by putting the verbs in the correct form – Present perfect or the Present perfect continuous.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. Look! Somebody _______ (spoil) the freshly painted wall.
      2. I smell cooked food. Have you _______ (cook).
      3. Shekhar is an actor. He_______ (appear) in several films.
      4. I _______ (read) the book you gave me. But I (finish) it yet.
      5. I _______ (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it?

Model Question Paper – 2

Max. Marks 100

  1. Make a presentation for about 15 minutes on any one of the given topics.

    (Marks – 25)

    1. Creating a sustainable environment.
    2. Rainwater harvesting.
    3. Waste management.
    4. Modern lifestyle and growing pollution.
    5. The relevance of engineering science for rural India.

      (Note to the teacher: This can be a PowerPoint presentation where students are encouraged to take material from various sources and do a little bit of research on the topics. Marks can be divided for:

      • Language and delivery – 10 marks
      • Organization and presentation of material – 10 marks
      • Relevance of material – 5 marks. )
  2. What are the different types of interpersonal communication? Explain with examples.

    (Marks – 10)

  3. Given below are expressions that are related to negotiation situations. Explain what paradoxes they reveal, and. how.

    (Marks – 2 × 5 = 10)

    1. 'How boring. I wish I could do this work soon. I don't mind doing it all myself.'
    2. 'This was my idea. But now, the entire team will get credit for it.'
  4. You work for a reputed bakery. There is a proposal to open a branch of the bakery in another part of the city. You have been sent to study the feasibility of such an extension. Given below are some of the conditions you have observed. You think the venture will be profitable. Write a formal report conveying the same to your proprietor.

    (Marks – 20)

    • People in this part of the city are already aware of the popularity of the bakery.
    • It has quite a few colleges around. The young mass will be the regular clients.
    • The area is also surrounded by residential complexes with largely an upper middle-class population.
    • The number of working women in the locality seems to be fairly large.
    • There is a good access road to the place and a shopping complex with pre-existing parking facility.
  5. Write answers to any three of the following question topics.

    (Marks – 3 × 5 = 15)

    1. Johari window and interpersonal communication.
    2. Types of listening.
    3. Basics about conducting and participating in a meeting.
    4. Factors that block creativity.
    5. Hearing and listening.
  6. Answer the following questions relating to grammar
    1. Make sentences using the words in brackets. Use them in the Simple past or the Past continuous form.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. (phone/ring/have/a shower)

        My phone _____________________

      2. (watch/a film/television/news flashed)

        We were _____________________

      3. (sleep/lightening/struck)

        I was _____________________

      4. (discuss/ the issue/ director/walk in)

        We were _____________________

      5. (listen / music / guests / arrive)

        I was _____________________

    2. Fill in the blanks, using verbs of your choice in the appropriate passive form.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. No decision on this matter can _______ till next morning.
      2. The book will have to _______ as soon as possible.
      3. The injured man_______ to the hospital.
      4. It is customary for the luggage to _______ by the customs officials.
      5. We all wanted to _______ before day break tomorrow.
    3. Fill in the blanks, using either the simple present or the present continuous (be -ing form) of the verbs put in brackets.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. Arun is in India now. He _______ (stay) at the Taj Krishna. He generally _______ (stay) there whenever he visits.
      2. My parents _______ (live) in Delhi now. But we are from Hyderabad.
      3. I _______ (teach) English. But this semester, I_______ (teach) Psychology too!
      4. I generally _______ (drive) the bike. But because of backache I _______ (use) the car these days.
      5. He never _______ (drink) alcohol at home.
    4. Fill in the blanks using the right form of the verbs given below.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. Jim was not at home when I reached.

        He _______ (already / leave)

      2. The man was a complete stranger to me.

        I _______ (never/ see/before)

      3. I was very tired when I reached home.

        I _______ (play / tennis / wholemorning)

      4. Mr Mathur no longer has his car.

        He _______ (sell / last month)

      5. I invited Margaret for dinner. But she could not come.

        She _______ (promise / someone else)

Model Question Paper – 3

Max. Marks 100

  1. Read the following situation and negotiate appropriately.

    (Marks – 25)

    This is a situation where a group of engineers with different specializations are meeting the government agencies for the finalization of a low cost housing project. The group constitutes young bright engineers who are very enthusiastic to take up this work and carry out certain experiments. But the government has certain objections. It is also possible that they would like to give the project to a well-known agency they have worked with before.

    (Teacher's note: Organize a negotiation situation around this theme. You could conduct the negotiation session with students as the group, which wants to take up the project and the staff members as the representatives of the government who are apparently examining the proposal. Please take the help of the staff teaching engineering subjects for this. You could ask each of the students to face the negotiation situation individually or in groups of two or three. Mark them for:

    • The negotiation strategy they are adopting.
    • The manner in which they are manipulating the language, tone, intonation, etc.)
  2. What is mind-mapping? Explain how it can be used productively for essay/project writing and note taking in the classrooms.

    (Marks – 20)

  3. What are the features of a well-written business letter? You are the manager of a financing company that finances business ventures. A group of fresh B.Tech graduates have taken your help to set up a computer firm. Even a month after they should have paid the first installment, you have heard nothing from them. They have been reminded once by your company. Write a firm second reminder. Complete your letter with names of company, etc.

    (Marks – 20)

  4. Answer any three of the following question topics.

    (Marks – 3 × 5 = 15)

    1. Minutes writing.
    2. Active listening.
    3. Positives (Do's) in a telephonic conversation.
    4. Language of technical writing.
    5. Importance of eye movement and chunking while reading.
  5. Answer the following questions relating to grammar

    1. Change these sentences into reported speech, changing the words where necessary.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. “I'm listening to the programme”, he said.
      2. “I stayed awake the whole night because of headache”, she said.
      3. “We can phone home once we reach the station”, they said.
      4. “I have to see you tomorrow”, my manager said.
      5. “I met her about three months ago”, the engineer told.
    2. Complete the following passage by filling in the correct tense form of the verbs given in brackets.

      (Marks – 6)

      There _______ (is) a lot of excitement before the songs competition _______ (begin) yesterday. All the participants _______ (are) busy _______ (do) last minute rehearsals. When it _______ (start), there was silence everywhere. One by one, the participants _______ (stand) on the dais, faced the audience and _______ (sing). When my turn _______ (come) I _______ (overcome) my nervousness by trying to focus only on my rendering. I _______ (do) a fairly good job. My joy _______ (know) no bounds when the results were _______ (declare). Looking back, I now feel happy that I won it.

    3. Given below are some sentences. Read them and write down another sentence with the same meaning. Begin the sentence the way it has been suggested and note whether you are using the active or the passive voice.

      (Marks – 4)

      1. All the clients may write their suggestions in the register kept at the counter.

        Suggestions ____________________________

      2. The Principal postponed the meeting due to his ill health.

        The meeting ____________________________

      3. Somebody might have issued the book if it is not here.

        The book ____________________________

      4. A short circuit might have caused the breakdown.

        The breakdown ____________________________

  6. Read the sentences given carefully and make new sentences with similar meanings. Use the reported speech.

    (Marks – 5)

    1. “Listen to the music with eyes closed”, he told us all.
    2. “Don't you ever come on Sundays”, he told him strictly.
    3. “Open the door please”, my brother told me.
    4. “My parents are arriving tomorrow”, she said.
    5. “We visited her this morning”, the nurse told.

Model Question Paper – 4

Max. Marks 100

  1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each.

    (Marks –5 × 5 = 25)

    1. What are the different factors one has to be sensitive about to become an effective speaker?
    2. During a presentation, how does a speaker ensure audience involvement?
    3. What preparations are necessary before giving a presentation?
    4. What are the factors crucial to an effective group discussion?
    5. What is the importance of turn-taking during a group discussion?
  2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each.

    (Marks – 4 × 5 = 20)

    1. What is Information Technology?
    2. What are the effects of MIS on organizations?
    3. What is communication?
    4. What factors are necessary for effective communication?
    5. What is creativity in the context of day-to-day communication?
    6. What is the function of language?
    7. What are the elements of human communication?
  3. Given below are some situations in which we do reading. State what kind of reading you would do in ANY 5 of these situations? Remember, depending on your need you would read the same material differently at different points of time. So answer this, given your present condition and necessities.

    (Marks – 5 × 4 = 20)

    1. The TV guide for the week.
    2. An English grammar book.
    3. An article in a popular magazine about the famous actors of yesteryears.
    4. The weather report in your local newspaper.
    5. A bus timetable.
    6. A fax that has come for you at the college office.
    7. A recipe.
    8. A short story by your favourite author.
  4. Answer any three of the following question topics in about 100 words each.

    (Marks – 3 × 5 = 15)

    1. Radiant thinking.
    2. Process description in technical writing.
    3. Basics of minutes writing.
    4. ‘Johari window’
    5. Different levels of communication
  5. Answer the following questions relating to grammar
    1. Fill in the blanks using the right form of the verbs given below.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. Rajesh was not at home when I reached.

        He _______ (already / leave)

      2. The person was a complete stranger to me.

        I _______ (never/ see/ before)

      3. I was very tired when I reached home.

        I _______ (play / cricket / whole morning)

      4. Mr Mukesh no longer had his car.

        He _______ (lost / last month)

      5. I invited Farhana for dinner. But she could not come.

        She _______ (promise / someone else)

    2. In these sentences you have to talk about your future plans. Use the right words to answer these questions.

      (Marks – 4)

        1. Which car are you going to buy?
        2. I am not sure. I _________ (Maruti Suzuki)
        1. Is Raghu coming with us to the picnic tomorrow?
        2. He said he would try to. He _________ (even/bring/his sister) along with him.
      1. The computer is troubling me a lot. I (take it/workshop.)
        1. Where are you going to be transferred to?
        2. I _________ (have to/shift/Bangalore).
    3. Fill in the blanks, using verbs of your choice in the appropriate passive form.

      (Marks – 5)

      1. No decision on this matter can _________ till next morning.
      2. The book will have to _________ as soon as possible.
      3. The injured man _________ to the hospital.
      4. It is customary for the luggage to _________ by the customs officials.
      5. We all wanted to _________ before day break tomorrow.
    4. Match the following phrasal verbs with their correct meanings from the list given below in brackets and make sentences with any six of the phrases.

      (Marks – 6 × 1 = 6)

      1. get round
      2. go along with
      3. go in for
      4. have out
      5. iron out
      6. live up to
      7. look down on
      8. look into

      (stop, agree, overcome, discuss, hold in contempt, dislike, investigate, like, maintain, persuade, resolve)

Model Question Paper – 5

Max. Marks 100

  1. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each.

    (Marks – 5 × 5 = 25)

    1. What are the elements of human communication?
    2. What is empathy?
    3. Each of us is naturally endowed with the capacity to read and analyze body language. Discuss.
    4. What is mirror imaging? State its role in the communication situation.
    5. What are the implications of the Johari window?
  2. Answer any four of the following questions in about 150 words each.

    (Marks – 4 × 5 = 20)

    1. In a communication situation, what is the ratio of verbal vis-à-vis non-verbal communication? State in short the various factors involved in communication.
    2. How is the nature of a specific interaction determined?
    3. What are the different kinds of basic emotions the face can express?
    4. Can we always interpret cross-legged gestures to be defensive gestures? Give reasons for your answer.
    5. How many significations does the ‘arms behind the back’ posture have? State any two with examples.
    6. Define the concept of negotiation.
  3. Answer any FIVE of the following questions in about 100 words each.

    (Marks – 5 × 5 = 25)

    1. How can we define listening?
    2. What is the difference between hearing and listening?
    3. Give a brief account of the different kinds of reading.
    4. Describe the SQ3R technique as an active reading process.
    5. What are the features of a well-written business letter?
    6. What does ‘Pointing’ mean? What can you infer from a person's feet pointed towards the door?
    7. What is the difference between “scratching the neck” and “stroking the neck”?
    8. Mention some important factors that determine the success of a negotiation.
  4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list given below the text.

    (Marks – 10)

    Ambiguity is an inevitable and _______ (1) part of our lives and thinking. The state of ambiguity is natural for most of us most of the time. But this becomes _______ (2) for the computer because it can function only when these ambiguities are _______ (3) and it is given very _______ (4) instructions as to what is to be done. But should issues always be defined clearly? And even if it can be done, don't they often _______ (5) their critical edge? Considering the _______ (6) perspective, issues have to be unambiguously _______ (7) to make the computer work but it also means that we are forced to _______ (8) to the computer when we use it. From the view of the man-machine _______ (9), the victims of inequality here are the human beings. This problem cannot be _______ (10) unless the computer is developed enough to be able to handle ambiguity.

    (Practical, interface, indispensable, critical, precise, conform, defined, solved, resolved, lose, danger, facade, manage, outrun)

  5. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part.

    (Marks – 10)



  6. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list given.

    (Marks – 10)

    I like everything about my motorbike, _______ its color and speed. _______ recently, its pickup has decreased. I don't know why. I'll take it to a mechanic _______ (it becomes worse). Most mechanics these days are undependable, but _______ my mechanic is reliable _______ (being economical). Actually, _______ I bought my bike in 1988, I have been having a good driving time, except _______ for an occasional problem here and there. It has been giving me a decent mileage. I feel the mileage will increase further in a few days time, _______ I'm taking that extra little care of it _______, I'll have to wait and see. But in the meantime, a friend of mine advised me to sell the bike and buy a different model. I don't think I'll do that, at least not in the near future. I will use it for five more years and _______ I'll sell it, may be. But the idea is very disagreeable to me.

    (List of words: but, because, especially, then, of course, fortunately, before, after, besides, well, in other words, even, always, beforehand, afterwards, give up)

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