1. Collect details of as many programming languages as you can over a wide spectrum of applications – graphics, database access, numerical calculations including matrices and statistics, structural design, computer-aided design, etc. Try to find out their internal working details.
  2. Collect details of as many legacy programming languages, which are given in Chapter 1 under language genealogy. Try to correlate the growth in the sophistication in programming languages and the hardware technology.
  3. A programming language which allows a program to modify itself as the computation progresses seems to be quite attractive, especially in application fields like Artificial Intelligence. What do you think? What are pros and cons of this proposal?
  4. A language named LOGO is quite popular in schools for teaching children basic concepts in programming like looping, subroutines, etc. Prepare a grammar specification of the language and a plan for implementing it. If time permits implement it.
  5. Prepare a technical note on programming language Python, including its distinguishing features.

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